openSUSE TW was my go-to for Xfce, and I found the presentation of it good. No real issues.
I installed FreeBSD a little bit ago, did a basic xfce
install, and out-the-box it (imo) blows oS’s default look away; fonts look nicer, the titlebar is no-nonsense at the top of the screen and thin; it’s basic but has a sharper look and less clutter. Bluntly, if FreeBSD was my first presentation of Xfce, I’d likely have more-harsh criticisms about how it looks on oS.
I’m for customization and all that, but I think Xfce could look nicer out-the-box on openSUSE!
- I think there’s something about the shades of gray or white used; oS feels more-dull
- FreeBSD fonts out-the-box settings look amazing, surprisingly without doing anything. I was on oS less than an hour ago and this is pretty fresh
- The default SUSE background I think was 1080p. I have a 1080p screen, but the 4K wallpaper looked way-sharper and detailed. No idea the implications, but except on RPi/embedded it’d probably be good to default to the 4K wallpaper.
- I didn’t think I’d like the default thin menu bars on FreeBSD, but I’m quickly liking it more than oS’s default: it’s quicker and less-clutter