The XFCE menu is huge, it seems to contain an exhaustive list of possible applications, most of them are not on my system. This includes
lots of things from other desktops such as KCompare, KWrite, etc.
Is there a way to have the menu regenerated to include only applications that are actually installed?
Otherwise, it would be more tedious, but is there a way to edit the menu?
A long time ago I was using Gnome and it had a menu editor built-in, is there something similar for XFCE?
Good hint. First, I didn’t have alacarte installed, so that would have been a big problem.
Only it was not the only one. When I installed and opened alacarte, the extra items were not there!!!
This left me quite puzzled, so I decided to see what root had as a menu and, actually, it didn’t have the extra items.
In fact, it had exactly the items alacarte showed. So it must have been interference with old GTK configs. I still do
not know which one was the issue but copying root’s config and deleting the ones in my user made the system be
consistent again.
While at it, I cleaned up tons of old .folders which seems to be half-a-decade old at least. Apps and services seem
to create these on a whim but aren’t good at cleaning up after themselves.
Anyway, I wouldn’t of figured it out without your help.