Xen Virtualization brakes up [OpenSuse 11.1]. WTF?

Hi there guys! rotfl!

I just LOVE OpenSuse… and right now I’m trying to establsih a virtualization of Windows under Xen, which naturally comes with the current distribution.

Now, when trying to create the Server, the following error occurs:


I’ve tried different configurations of the xen configuration file, but somehow…

Please give me a hint on this one. Thanks!


ANYONE: Is there a detailed tut on how to correctly set up “the bridge”?

C´mon - please help me!


Noone has the answer, right? :smiley:

Yeah, dude. PUSH!

Unit there is a Xen guru online, maybe this will help:

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.1 x86 Kernel
up 9:30, 2 users, load average: 0.30, 0.49, 0.37
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 180.22

Awesome. Uhh…Google? Never heard of that. How do I install it under OpenSuse 11.1? rotfl!
Great you took the time to convert your fake link.

No, seriously: I’ve extensively googled the error and I don’t come up with a plausible cause as well as a FIX to cure my problem…
Does SOMEONE here have a good resource on the error message besides “Google it, dude”?

I’d really appreciate some serious HELP.


Mh… I’ve found the configuration file for Xen. In there I could possibly change the network bridge settings. I actually want to use wlan (as well as lan) on my virtual system as well as on Suse.

Included in xend-config.sxp it says the follwing:

SuSE users note:

On openSUSE >= 11.1 and SLES >= 11, networks should be configured using

native platform tool - YaST. vif-bridge and qemu-ifup can be used to

connect vifs to the YaST-managed networks.

Yeah…that sounds like a solution. How to accomplish?

Here’s my current configuration file xend-config.sxp:Standard xend-config.sxp on… - nopaste.com (beta)

Question: Which values do I need to change in order to achive the usage of wlan as well as lan on the new virtual machine?

I’m not sorry for spamming, guys. I actually help others, but noone here helps me…


uh… Answer still open. :frowning:

I FINALLY GOT IT! Reason for the error must have been my new wlan drivers. I’ve re-installed Xen completely and now everything SHOULD work fine.

I get another error though… REFER TO VIRTUALIZATION of Windows within Xen ends up in nasty BSODD. - openSUSE Forums if you are interested in helping me.

I’ve solved my first problem in here…ALONE. :smiley:

  • Purpur wrote, On 01/15/2009 08:36 PM:
    > uh… Answer still open. :frowning:

Please adjust your expectations: If you want realtime online support, please use the suse channels on IRC.

Please refrain from adding rather useless messages like the above.

Thank you!
