I just LOVE OpenSuse… and right now I’m trying to establsih a virtualization of Windows under Xen, which naturally comes with the current distribution.
Now, when trying to create the Server, the following error occurs:
Awesome. Uhh…Google? Never heard of that. How do I install it under OpenSuse 11.1? rotfl!
Great you took the time to convert your fake link.
No, seriously: I’ve extensively googled the error and I don’t come up with a plausible cause as well as a FIX to cure my problem…
Does SOMEONE here have a good resource on the error message besides “Google it, dude”?
Mh… I’ve found the configuration file for Xen. In there I could possibly change the network bridge settings. I actually want to use wlan (as well as lan) on my virtual system as well as on Suse.
Included in xend-config.sxp it says the follwing:
SuSE users note:
On openSUSE >= 11.1 and SLES >= 11, networks should be configured using
native platform tool - YaST. vif-bridge and qemu-ifup can be used to
connect vifs to the YaST-managed networks.
Yeah…that sounds like a solution. How to accomplish?