Xen schedulers in openSUSE 11.2

We are into project of modifying scheduler for xen.
Improvement over sedf / Credit.

We are unable to find out the necessary documentation regarding schedulers in xen.
Neither any settings in config files.

Is the option of setting schedulers in xen ruled out in openSUSE 11.2?

Plz help up in this regard.

Project Members.

This thread was previous in the wrong sub forum area, so I have moved this to applications in the hope that the user gets better support in this new location.

Thank you…
Hope we will get our Queries solved…

can someone help us??

prakashOS wrote:
> can someone help us??

I have to say that I am a complete dummy when it comes to xen (I use vmware
products). So what I can say is very limited, I looked into the pdf files
shipped in the package xen-doc-pdf and there are some very short references
to the scheduler. So I would be very surprised if it is ruled out.

The only thing I found quickly is this article


which references a book.

It notes the command

xm dmesg | grep scheduler

to see which scheduler is used in your xen.

Maybe there are not that many xen users here (?), I don’t know.
I found plenty of xen docs and books and forums in german (to my surprise),
maybe you should post your question simply in an english xen forum if you
get no answer here.

Martin Helm wrote:
> maybe you should post your question simply in an english xen
> forum if you get no answer here.

I would try one of these mailing lists


Thanks for ur advice.
we will follow it up.
DO notify us, if u find any more info.

We have found out the way to change the schedulers, vary the different parameters etc.

we now want know, where exactly is the code for xen schedulers, to understand its implementation details.

we could find some bits and pieces about credit.

but not the complete code where scheduling is handled.

Hmm I’d think that the full source should be in the xen source package. That should be available in the source repository it is OSS after all.

It looks like it is integrated with openSUSE.
we could not find any hint of where the code for scheduler is.


prakashOS wrote:

> It looks like it is integrated with openSUSE.
> we could not find any hint of where the code for scheduler is.
> :
Don’t think it is integrated with opensuse in some magic way. It is for sure
in one of the xen related packages (src packages).
But why not ask the xen developers directly where the code you want to
change is located, I think that would be the easiest thing because they know
where it is, they made it
