According to all documentation and examples that I’ve seen, using pvGRUB instead of pyGRUB is easy and straight-forward: just specifying
kernel = '/usr/lib/xen/boot/pv-grub-x86_*arch*.gz'
extra = '(hd*N,M*)/boot/grub/menu.lst'
should suffice; some how-tos also recommend to modify DomU’s configuration so that appropriate kernel modules are surely loaded on startup.
During several years I tried that on openSUSE 11.2 to 12.1, both on 32-bit and 64-bit, but never succeeded. For me, it results in a crashed DomU right after that domain is started (or unpaused, if created in paused state). No messages are output to xen-console or virtual framebuffer (I checked it by recording VNC session: it’s just empty). As long as I understand from examples, at least a menu or command-prompt should be visible at startup, even if target system is not bootable or doesn’t contain a valid GRUB menu, or the loaded kernel crashes. But I definitely see nothing.
Xen logs in Dom0 give no insight, since from VMM’s point of view this situation is completely DomU-related, there is no problem in Dom0. So I’m out of debugging ideas, and I’ve found no similar bug descriptions on the web. Any suggestions on how to pin-point the exact source of trouble? My guess is that I have a fundamental misunderstanding of some simple things.