Hi, I recently installed Xen through yast. I rebooted started the xen kernel. and I reach a point where it runs the command xend and than the X window fails to start. I tried to look at the Xorg.0.log file but can not find the same error in there to show you guys. it could not load nvidia drivers is what I figured out so far… well anyways any help would be good.
If your nvidia driver is installed manually (from NVIDIA-Linux-…-pkgx.run) you need to install and recompile your nvidia kernel module.
sh NVIDIA-Linux-.....-pkgx.run -K
Hi mich04
I also tried installing XEN with the current NVIDIA drivers with no luck. Got the same results you did, no X. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the more recent versions of the NVIDIA driver are not compatible with XEN. I would try what ram88 suggested and see if it works better for you. (I tried that method a few months back with no luck).
Try out VMware if XEN doesnt work for you. Ive got it running with no problems!
Different Kernel mode, need you to rebuild your own drivers or software.