Xbox controller wireless adapter (Xone) does not work with Linux 6.11

Hi there.

Seems that Xone, which is included in Tumbleweed’s repos, does not work with Linux 6.11 and seems also that I am not the only one. Should I report this or can this be fixed?

So far, I have only tried to reinstall the package, but it hasn’t helped. It’s also impossible to run it with sudo modprobe since no module exists.

At the moment, building xone kernel modules against Kernel 6.11 seems to fail. I don’t know if that’s an issue with the build script or a general problem, because the sources used to build the package are only a few days older than the last git commit 6 months ago.

It seems to me that this is not only an openSUSE issue. Looking at the pull requests on GitHub supports my assumption.

Ouch, seems that the mantainer isn’t really answering.

Anyways, managed to find another user’s fork with the commit included, and everything works now. GitHub - dlundqvist/xone: Linux kernel driver for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S accessories

Hopefully the project will be alive and we’ll have a working xone driver in the repos.

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