another graphic installation problem:
I have a dual core PC, and I tried to install x64 suse.
the installation from the DVD runs well, the configuration of the network too.
but there is a problem with the installation of the NVIDIA driver and of compiz-fusion.
at the beginning, I tried to install the NVIDIA driver with the button “one-click install” found at some places on internet, but as I had some problems I preferred to install it from the script found on the NVIDIA site:
here is the protocol I used and the error:
-new installation of SuSE, with KDE 4.1 and from the x64 DVD
-configuration of the wireless network (success)
-using YAST, I install kernel-source and kernel-headers (2.6.27-2.28)
-using the console and as root, I enter: init 3, wget (name of the NVIDIA file for 64 bits linux driver for gFor*ce 8 series), sh (same name)
-the program launch an error :
no precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you like the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel from the NVIDIA ftp site?
- I accept and then there is an error saying me that no kernel interface has been found
- new error messsage:“the kernel header file ‘/lib/modules/’ does not exist.
the kernel source path could be invalid”
could you guide me in order to succeed in doing this installation?