Wrong screen resolution. Only part of screen used.

I’m using 12.1 on my HP Pavilion zv5000, with XFCE. Every now and then over the past several months, I would get a partial screen use on logout, something like 900x768. It should be 1024x768. Then it started doing it all the time after login. Splash screen is fine.

Is there a file that is getting corrupted? How would I fix it?


Are you able to test the logout behaviour with another desktop environment?

Thanks, Deano – I only use XFCE. However, I’ve figured out that it has something to do with the XFCE “Session and Startup.” I unchecked “Automatically save session on logout,” and everything’s back to normal. But thanks for the response!

No worries. From your description, it didn’t appear to be an X-server issue.