I have set up a samba server which has been working fine for several years, I can log in, open, write, save from windoze shares without a problem.
I recently installed suse 11.1 on my laptop, i set my username the same as for my windoze machines, also password the same so acessing samba would be easy - i was wrong.
I have mounted the samba share on the laptop using (in fstab):
// /home/rob/data/ -o username=rob,password=********,rw,noperm,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
i can browse the share using kde filenamager and load / read files but if i try to save the (update) file i get a write permission error, if i save the file to a new name it saves correctly but if i then try to open the new file and save it i get the write permission error.
The permissions are set to owner read/write, group and other read only.
I don’t have any problems from windoze machines, It appears that my linux client is not accessing the files with the correct username, but I can’t see why, if i view the permissions in konqueror it shows up as owner rob, with read/write which is correct.
The permissions for the mount are all set to read write for owner(rob/users), readonly for others in the group and others.
One strange thing is if i open up a console window and use vi (as user rob) I can edit the file and save it as I would expect to, it appears that kde is having a problem with username for some reason.
Can anyone suggest what might be going on here - it’s driving me up the wall!
rob carter