WPA not working/connecting in 11.2 M7

Today for the 1st time i tried to connect to a WPA enabled network on M7, but its asking again and again for the password. So i assume there is issue with the WPA in NetworkManager. I was thinking it was resolved.

Any ideas how to make this thing work.

Three reasons, why I won’t give any advice here:

  1. no information what so ever provided, for somebody actually testing releases, this is even poorer

  2. wrong subforum as it is a prerelease

  3. not really worth to have a look at it as it is an obsolete pre-version which might have a bug already being fixed in the latest prerelease

Yeh you are right, wrong place for the post.

In your options i will take 3.

mmarif4u wrote:
> Thanks.
> Yeh you are right, wrong place for the post.
> In your options i will take 3.

Good choice. WPA with KDE had a problem in M7. It was fixed midway
toward M8 and has been working since.