WoW and Gaming Lat Fix

I used this with XP and Windows 7.

Leatrix Latency Fix : WoWInterface Downloads : WoW Tools & Utilities

Obviously it doesn’t work with Linux.

So how do I set things up in Suse 11.2 64bit KDE4 and change the TCPAckFrequency so it does what this did for me in MS?

(I want to add changing this made a HUGE difference in the game. For those that play it know how Dalaran can be and how laggy it gets often, especially weekends. This fix changed all of that. No lag at all after I did this.)

TcpAckFrequency test results - bit.listserv.vse-l | Google Groups

It’s a “Windows thing only”.

Ahhh, ok. I am starting to understand this. Thank you.