would you please build an openSUSE12.3 rpm for YaRock?

Yarock is Qt4 Modern Music Player designed to provide an easy and pretty music
collection browser based on cover art.
Yarock is written in C++ using Qt and Phonon multimedia framework, only for
linux platform.
in qt-apps.org website, YaRock has very high rate and lots of fans.
YaRock is so good but lacks of rpm files under openSUSE. would you please build rpm files for YaRock.

On 2013-04-28 14:56, redhatlinux10 wrote:

> would you
> please build rpm files for YaRock.

Who is “you”? :slight_smile:

Remember that the forums here are mostly a place where users talk to
other users. The majority of developers and packagers do not even read here.

It is a KDE app, right? You could ask in the kde mail list, perhaps.

openSUSE:Communication channels: Mailing lists

Or you could write an openfate. openSUSE:openfate

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)