I have just upgraded from Suse 11.1 to 11.2, and after some initial problems the upgraded installation seems to work, except for the following annoying problem: the “workspace switching” application (lower right on the toolbar, next to the date/time indication) will not work. On 11.1 I could grab a window in one workspace and drag it to another. In 11.2, however, in spite of a message “click to start dragging”, dragging does not work. Does anybody know something about this?
Works here, so it’s not an 11.2 problem but something in your setup.
Thanks. So I’ll have to figure it out.
Can you please share what you had to reconfigure in order to get it working?
I’m completely stumped. I sent a query to the gnome forum, but so far nobody answered. Another thing I did was to reinstall the gnome applets … nothing.
regards, bostjanv
Try making a new user to see if they’re affected…?
I don’t know gnome, but in KDE I can right-click the title bar of app in question and send it to whichever workspace I want it on, might be a workaround until you get it how you want?
Thanks for the suggestion. A new user is affected by the same symptom (cannot drag between workspaces). This suggests that the issue is a consequence of some global setting. Apart from that I have no idea how to proceed.
Thanks. I checked it out and the method works in Gnome as well. It’s a relief to know that I still have the functionality, even though it’s not as good from the ease of use standpoint.
Did you install compiz in your old install?
Thanks for the reply. It turns out that there are several compiz packages in my installation (although I’m not sure that I put them there; perhaps they were installed automatically). However, if they originate from the old installation, how come my worksplace switcher worked before? Anyway, what should I do? Should I uninstall them, or is it a matter of some configuraation options?
Re post from Taralkeda, I find several compiz packages in my installation (though I don’t remember installing them explicitly). However, before this upgrade, my switcher allowed dragging. Anyway, do you suggest uninstalling compiz? Or is it a matter of some configuration changes?
sorry, this is a duplicate post. bostjanv
This is just to conclude the current thread: I tried everything (different user, ultimately, clean install), and nothing could make “drag” to work in the workspace switching applet. I was really curious, and I installed Ununtu 9.10 on the exact same computer to see how the workspace switching applet behaves in that case. I was surprised to find that it worked without a hitch.