Hi there. I’ve been tinkering with openSUSE 12.3 lately. I’m trying to get multimedia playback to work without a headache. I have an mp4 file that I recorded on my phone as well as an flv file I downloaded from YouTube. Both are not playing in Totem. I just get prompted that I am missing the H264 decoder and the MPEG4 AAC decoder. When I hit search, it ultimately fails to install. I installed the packman repo but that seemed to do me no good. I clicked the sticky in the link above and installed the gnome codecs 1 click installer, but that did no good. I even just rebooted my laptop, but still I’m stuck and receiving that error.
Here’s my current repo listing. I put it in a pastebin because pasting the terminal output threw off the alignment quite a bit to easily read. SUSE Paste
At the bottom of that link it has another link to one click installers, which is exactly what I used. This, to me, looks like it’s a more manual alternative to using the one click installer. If this assumption is correct, it’s difficult to understand just where exactly I went wrong.
I installed Packman
I installed the 1 click installer
I tried to search for codecs through Totem when it failed
Nothing worked. Is it at all possible that the repo/update system uses a very specific port # to pull the updates in? Reason I ask is I’m questioning if the network I’m on had any sort of filters in place that might have locked that capability out…
Well, according to your first picture you still have at least gstreamer-plugins-good and gstreamer-plugins-bad (and most likely some others as well) from the standard openSUSE repo instead of Packman.
So please do a search for gstreamer in YaST and switch all installed packages to the Packman versions.
You have to open the “Versions” list first.
I just had a look at it and the GNOME 1-click install does indeed seem to only include the gstreamer-0_10 plugins.
But totem uses gstreamer-1.0 on 12.3, so that 1-click install is outdated.
Somebody should add the gstreamer-1.0 packages to that GNOME 1-click install…
Just tried the zypper link and it all worked flawlessly! You need to make sure that you are NOT using the vlc repo as this breaks things. This has fixed my screw-up.
Good to hear of your success. You can not mix the VLC repo with Packman as applications can become mixed between the two repositories. It is always good to post the output of “zypper repos” in order to show us what you got.