workaround - reading pgp-crypted mails with the terminal - not with tbird

hello dear linux expertsve

good day. well todoay i have a question regarding an application - tbird in combination with enigmail. currently it does not work - although i have all passwd and gpg-keys here with me. but i damaged something with the profiles - during the upgrade of opensuse.

since i have not managed to rework the tbird / enigmail issues that arised after update from opensuse 12.3 to 13.1
i need a nother way to read my mails

note - i have the keys - is there any appropiate way to read the mails with a tray or any other tool

a quick and dirty way to read the messages from one (important) mail recipient </ author…

note - is KGpg a tool that offers a tray to do such things
or can i read the mail with the terminal!`

look forward to hear from you

update; note - i found such a explanation here - it does not work:

When saving a message to a file it’s good practice to add the ‘.asc’ extension. Once the file has been successfully saved you can decrypt it using PGP. To do this just type: pgp filename.asc.

EXAMPLE: % pgp message.asc ---> Will produce a readable copy.

Well this does not work - what should i do!?!

On 2014-01-18 16:36, dilbertone wrote:

> arised after update from opensuse 12.3 to 13.1

Maybe you should verify if you have packages from the old version lying

rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{INSTALLTIME}	%{INSTALLTIME:day} \
%{BUILDTIME:day} %-30{NAME}	%15{VERSION}-%-7{RELEASE}	%{arch} \
" \
| sort | cut --fields="2-" | tee rpmlist | less -S

This will produce a list of packages, the older above. One of the fields
is the the distribution version.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

The command given should work for classic PGP mail. But it likely won’t work with PGP-MIME. Your best bet is to get thunderbird working. Or “kmail” or “evolution” or “claws-mail” should be able to do it, but there would be a learning curve.

You can also use “mutt”, though it might take a bit of effort setting up a suitable “.muttrc”.

When thunderbird is not running, try:

mv .thunderbird OLD.thunderbird

Then start thunderbird and set it up afresh. See if you can get it working that way. Then I think there’s a way of importing the saved mail from the old folder.

On 2014-01-18 17:16, dilbertone wrote:

> PHP code:
> --------------------
> EXAMPLE: % pgp message.asc —> Will produce a readable copy.
> --------------------
> Well this does not work - what should i do!?!

What fails? When you say such things please post the command as you try
it and the results, inside a single “code tags” block, so that we get a

Are you sure you have the program “pgp”? I don’t, it is not available on
our repos (it is closed source, I believe). I have instead gpg2, and it
works. I just tried it. The extension .eml, the default for thunderbird,
works fine.

By the way: please do not use “PHP code” tags, use plain code tags instead.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)