Wlan connection problem

I use the Brodacom 4313 chipset and upgraded from 11.3 to 12.1. However, auto connect doesn’t work for me. Available access points don’t show up, either.
My standard way of getting wlan to work is to hit the radio button of my HP 625 to disable wlan and than again to enable it. Afterwars NetworkManager connects automatically.
However, sometimes nothing happens and I get the following message in the console:
Unknown key pressed … use setkeycodes e078 to make it known.

Any suggestions?

Delete all connections in Network Manager
Make a new connection and check the system connection box http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10573557/SUSE%20Misc/kde-wireless-new.png

Does that help?

Thank you! Deleting wasn’t necessary. But I didn’t dare to fiddle around with system settings. Indeed, checking the system connection box did the trick.

Fantastic news

Thank you, that was the solution.