wlan card.

I am in converting a Dell 1525 laptop for
Suse Linux use. I would like a recommendation for a
wireless card that would be best for my machine.
Thanks, Marty

Do you mean openSUSE (that is what these forums are about), or SUSE Linux (also known as SLES/SLED and that is at https://forums.suse.com/f ).

Also, when you want more information about the compatibility with you card, you better gave tthe name/type of the card. And you should read the “sticky” (the first few) threads of the Wireless forums to be prepared for the information you should provide.

Is there now any linux based system installed on the laptop or only a operating system from mircosoft?

If the latter (MS) is the case I would try to boot a live system (like CD or live USB stick).
Ether the system runs out of the box or you could get further information about your Wirless Lan device (especial the hexadecimal ID-number)
from the linux terminal like hcvv said.



if you want to buy a new Wlan dongle than every card with Atheros chip is natively supported , an alternative is to install ndiswrapper I think it should work with any brand of Wireless cards.

Thanks for getting back to me. It is Open SuSe. I’ll read the forum thread.

Strange, that was not one of the options I offered and it does not exist at all :question: