Witch Desktop Are you using…?? (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, LXDE) and what is your take on it… :\
Hello and welcome here.
That said, I hope you have looked around a bit here before starting your question. Then you will have seen that we have several (sub)forums. And the Application forums you started this thread is in the section where it says: Get Technical Help Here.
I fail to see the technical help you are seeking for.
We have also other forums and there is one named Community & Fun. I would guess that is a much more appropriate place for your thread.
The next thing is that when you would have looked there, you would have seen the thread: https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/497999-Which-DE-Are-You-Running-The-2014-Edition
Thus when you are interested in the subject, you could have looked there and even added your own data about this.
Normaly, when a thread is in the wrong forum, we offer to move it. But as the other thread is already there, that does not seem very usefull. Thus this thread is CLOSED.
When you want it to be moved and reopened, please use the Report icon (the ! in triangle) below the post. You are welcome to post your arguments in the report.