So I have Suse 11.2 installed to dual boot on a Macbook Pro. Everything is finally working right after a lot of re-installs to get it too where the Suse installation wasn’t disappearing after reboot, everything except for the wireless. Suse is seeing my connection and to my knowledge, I have all encryption and SSID entered correctly, but I cannot get a connection. What am I doing wrong?
I don’t know. We certainly need more information. Go to and get the
script to collect network data, run that, and scan for problems.
Anything that you do not understand should be posted here.
I will go there and try that. I know that you need more information, but I am unsure what information you need. I tried the sticky thread at the top of this forum labeled “getting your wireless to work”. Again, it is seeing my wireless card, I cannot find that anywhere that says there is firmware missing, but maybe I am looking in the wrong place. Perhaps I am not really even looking at the NetworkManager. Where specifically do I access the NetworkManager from? Thanks for your help.
I had experienced some problems with wireless networking when tried to configure the traditional way. But, it worked when configured through the knetworkmanager and I am using it without any problems.
If you are using KDE, you can fire up the knetworkmanager and configure your connection.