I am very new to Linux. I installed OpenSuse 11.0 (KDE4.0) last week from the LiveCD and liked it alot. However my wireless was working fine on the LiveCD and after I did the install. Later that day I turned on my computer and booted Linux to find that my wireless was awol. I searched the forums and found the command to figure out if the os knows it’s there and it does. I had done some tweaking I probably shouldnt have earlier that day but the wireless was still working after that.
I use the default KNetworkManager and when the wireless was working it would display the wlan0 and eth0 but when I was having the problem it was only displaying the eth0.
Later that day I ended up changing settings that crashed KDE and I could not restart the desktop. (I didnt realize it was this easy to cause problems but I do now) ;). I ended up reinstalling it that night but this time from the full install DVD.It worked great again when I fired it up wireless was fully functional and picking up my wifi net.I have not touched any settings since then and am fully reading before I change things but it has happened again.
I know you guys are probably going to fire away at me for not giving more info but thats all I know right now! Oh ya, in case you need it my wireless adapter is a Broadcom 4321AG a/b/g/draft-n.