Not sure if this is the right forum, but i’m trying to get my wireless working using the traditional method. The reason I want to do this is to try and setup a bridged network with KVM.
I can’t seem to get any of it working correctly on 11.3
I used Yast to configure teh network and I set a static IP. I entered all the authentication information and it looks like it assigns an IP to wlan0, but when I try to ping the gateway or get out to the internet it doesn’t work.
I made sure to put in DNS servers and the default gateway.
Anyone know of any issues with trying to do it this way? When I switch back to networkmanager it works just fine
All thanks for the quick replies. I am at the office and unable to troubleshoot at the moment. I was going to try to use DHCP originally, but it failed so i tried static. Let me try that change and see if it works.
It did pull an ip address, but I was unable to ping the gateway or any site.
I’ll try the dhcp route first and post my results for both once I have them.
What is against saying what the system says instead of saying what you think that the system says?
This sounds a bit as if I do not trust you, but I want to rule out as much of your conclusions as possible and see the things I would do when I was at the system. After all, you have a problem, thus you possibly jump somewhere to the wrong conclusion. That is rather normal, we all do this very often. The very fact that you ask others to take a fresh look at it is OK, but then you must alow the others to have that fresh look and not make them look through your eyes.
And often just posting the computer output is even shorter then telliing in a lot of vague sentences what one thinks that one saw.
On 05/02/2011 09:36 AM, markdjones82 wrote:
> All,
> Not sure if this is the right forum, but i’m trying to get my
> wireless working using the traditional method. The reason I want to do
> this is to try and setup a bridged network with KVM.
> I can’t seem to get any of it working correctly on 11.3
> I used Yast to configure teh network and I set a static IP. I entered
> all the authentication information and it looks like it assigns an IP to
> wlan0, but when I try to ping the gateway or get out to the internet it
> doesn’t work.
> I made sure to put in DNS servers and the default gateway.
> Anyone know of any issues with trying to do it this way? When I switch
> back to networkmanager it works just fine
I can assure you that wireless works in 11.4 using ifup. You have some kind of
problem with file /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-XXXX, where XXXX is wlan0, wlan1,
or whatever the name of your wireless interface as shown by /usr/sbin/iwconfig.
File /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg.template is essentially the manual for ifcfg.
If you still cannot get it to work, please post the contents of the file with
your network secret obscured. If you are using WEP, overwrite the hex key with
X’s, but leave the form of the key intact.