installed here with Yast epson stylus sx wireless printer and printing via cable works fine just can not print via wifi

I am aware that CUPS should be running and I see them in Yast->services running howhever I can not add from

Yast → Firewall → Allowed Services → Services to Allow → Cups because there is no Cups in dropdown list.

also have these

Connection http://localhost:631/9100 set 

but when I log in /localhost:631/9100/printers I am getting these

Paused - "Destination printer does not exist!"

printer works as I have tried print from windows…
could the missing cups in firewall be an issue or something else? But I turned off firewall with

rcSuSEfirewall2 stop

status shows firewall is off

and still cant print.

any ideas?

On 08/15/2011 08:56 AM, loand wrote:
> installed here with Yast epson stylus sx wireless printer and printing
> via cable works fine just can not print via wifi
> I am aware that CUPS should be running and I see them in Yast->services
> running howhever I can not add from
> Yast → Firewall → Allowed Services → Services to Allow → Cups
> because there is no Cups in dropdown list.
> also have these
> Code:
> --------------------
> Connection http://localhost:631/9100 set
> --------------------
> but when I log in /localhost:631/9100/printers I am getting these
> Code:
> --------------------
> Paused - “Destination printer does not exist!”
> --------------------
> printer works as I have tried print from windows…
> could the missing cups in firewall be an issue or something else? But I
> turned off firewall with
> rcSuSEfirewall2 stop
> status shows firewall is off
> and still cant print.

Please do not yell in the subject!

In general, network printers are not a problem. I’m not familiar with that Epson
Stylus printer, so please answer some questions. Is it set up to
associate/authenticate with an access point, or is it designed to work in ad-hoc
mode? If the former, how do you make certain the IP is constant?

Hi and appologies for yelling it was not my intention just didnt realized I had capslock on…

setup is correct, I installed wrong drivers, now it works fine, any way thanks Iwfinger for response

closing threat…

well all I did was correct dont know why but driver wasnt compatible…

for epson stylus sx425W driver EPSON STYLUS SX115 works just fine over wifi…