Wireless not working Atheros 5007EG

hey everyone!

I’m a new Linux user (trying to migrate from Vista):
The first distro I tried was ubuntu 8.04…and it worked really well…except for Wireless on my laptop. I then read some guides and I can’t remember what I did (probably not much since I don’t know Linux at all) and somehow got wireless to work! Great news right?
Then 8.10 came out and I installed it over the 8.04…wireless not working…I tried everything from madwifi to NDISWrapper…nothing worked…I read numerous guides and it just doesn’t appear in the network manager.

Then I thought SUSE will have better results so I installed 11.0 and of course…no wireless. I again tried madwifi but it doesn’t work. My wireless switch is on, and I tried restarting and blacklisting various stuff.

Does anyone know what to do? I really want to migrate to Linux - it seems so fast and fresh, but it just so frustrates me that I can’t get wireless to work…

I’d appreciate all your help, and whatever troubleshooting you can provide - but remember I’m a new user, and had little exposure to the command line :slight_smile:

It works fine out-of-the-box with 11.1Beta5.

Have a look @ Success with HP dv9700z Laptop Athros AR5007 Wireless - openSUSE Forums
Note the posts about installing the rpms necessary to compile.

How do I update to this version?

Also does this beta have a lot of instability? Or will a novice user such as myself not experience that?

Also thank you so much for your prompt response, much appreciated!

Update: I already downloaded and installed the 11.1 beta 5, and yes! I have now all the visible wireless hotspots detected.

But when I put in the WPA key for my own secure spot, it doesn’t connect…

I tried a neighbour’s not-secure spot - didn’t connect either…

On a side note: I can’t seem to be able to resize/move windows around, and there are no close,minimize,maximize buttons :frowning: I tried resetting the theme - didn’t work…

Thanks again for everyone’s help!

Same here, can’t connect to any wireless network which has any protection on it (tried a WPA personal network and a WPA Enterprise, haven’t got a chance to connect to a non secure network. The interface works out of the box, but actually connecting to the network doesn’t work, when i hover mouse over Network Manager, the only step it is doing is “Configuring”, after which it just returns to offline state.

Tried blakclist ath5k + install madwifi-ng-r3366+ar5007, but i get error at “make”, so didn’t go with that one (installing this drivers worked on 11.0).

After that, left ath5k blacklisted, tried using Madwifi suse 11.1 repo, which also didn’t work.

Cheers, Bojanski