Wireless in Live CD mode

OpenSUSE 11.1 on Live CD mode.
Toshiba Satellite with Atheros AR242x 802.11 Wireless card.

YaST Network Settings recognises the wireless card, and
I can see my network SSID and have entered WEP Key ok, but cannot connect to Internet.

Problem may be Device activation, as I do not know which option to choose.

‘At boot time’ presumably will not work because with Live CD the info will be lost on re-boot.

With ‘Manual’ option I cannot see how to activate device manually.

My wireless card works ok on PCLOS and mepis but I prefer OpenSUSE.

Obviously the device is activated, because it can see my access point router.

I am not a wireless expert, but to try to give you some answer:

it would seem you may need madwifi installed:

[Solution]Atheros AR242x - Suse11 - pae kernel - openSUSE Forums](http://forums.opensuse.org/network-internet/wireless/396325-solution-atheros-ar242x-suse11-pae-kernel.html)

so as you have not installed OpenSuse? that may be hard: if installing madwifi is the route you take, you look in the “Search” function of the OpenSuse forums, as the information may be spread across several posts