[LEFT]Hi I have a Toshiba A200, dual-boot XP-O/Suse 11 & KDE4, had no problems with install, have managed to tweak most of the functions, lan, Kmail & others to function satisfactory. I have been following the forums on the various fixes here & there so to speak for my wireless. I’m a novice with linux OS especially the command prompts etc, am a whiz around Windows.
I have tried most of the forum fixes as I understood them, could see the wireless, but cannot configure, it simply says “kernel device (ethO, wlanO) not present… mostly caused by missing firmware”.
I have tried suggested options on Novell homepages etc but still to no avail yet, details as follows:
Thanks for the suggestion, I tried Ndiswrapper, followed instructions & all was going well until the stage when i loaded net5211.inf drivers. I went ndiswrapper -l, Output was ‘invalid driver’, also tried blacklisting ath5k ‘permission denied’.
I will have a look and get back.
caf4926 & deltaflyer44 - I wanna convey my utmost appreciation to you both for the assistance in my quest as a Linux-Newbie to get my wireless up and running. In fact I tried 2 other drivers on the site before hand.