Wired network reconnecting

I opened new DSL connection.The internet work fine but every time when its idle it reconnects couple of times and eventually disconnect, :dont-know: just pressing in the network connection on the DSL connection and using the internet fix the problem.

How to stop the the reconnection?:sarcastic:

I believe this may be related to the problem I reported earlier today: Network Issues OpenSUSE 11.3

Do you have a static IP or are you using DHCP? Is there a known fix for this problem as server functionality is diminished from the network disconnecting…

I think its DHCP but how can I check it??

Are you using NetworkManager or YaST to manage your network?

I’m using traditional method (ifup). The network reconnectinng (or whatever is happening) is preventing me from using the box as a server. It especially seems to disconnect itself after being idle for a little bit. When I go to use a server function, such as ssh, it tells me the connection is refused, when it was working just a few minutes before. Are there any logs I can check on either the server or the client that can shed a little more light on this problem? I believe it is on the server side though.

I am using NetworkManager.

If the computer is wired in, is there any reason you aren’t going with ifup method? I find that NetworkManager works best with wireless connections. Can you try the ifup method in Yast?