However, since wine 1.1.14, I do not get any updates anymore.
Looking at the WINE repository, I see that there is 1.1.19, but it seems that there is no folder for 64bit (e.g. the 11.0 folder has a 64 directory).
I double checked my repository location and refreshed it, but even in the “Install Software” (GNOME), I can’t see a later version than 1.1.14.
I also couldn’t find anything on the forums/web.
Shouldn’t there be a 64bit folder?
Or am I doing something wrong?
f:~> wine --version
f:~> uname -a
Linux linux-gyqf #1 SMP 2009-03-31 14:50:44 +0200 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Okay, I didn’t notice that. But what could be the reason that I can’t see the newer versions in “Install Software”?
Other packages/repositories like SUSE-update, PACKMAN or nVidia work fine.
Any suggestions?
Okay, I used:
‘zypper up wine’
which now updated it to 1.1.19.
I don’t know why the “Install Software” tool does not show the available update.
‘zypper if wine’ showed the available update correctly.
Strange, but at least I got a workaround now.
So you already had wine… if you were in Yast or trying to install Wine
it may have not shown up simply because it was not something you could
install new. Perhaps the UI is broken into things you can install, things
you can update, etc. and so those which could be updated may not be
available in the list of those that can be installed. Just a guess.
Good luck.
tlvz wrote:
> Okay, I used:
> ‘zypper up wine’
> which now updated it to 1.1.19.
> I don’t know why the “Install Software” tool does not show the
> available update.
> ‘zypper if wine’ showed the available update correctly.
> Strange, but at least I got a workaround now.
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Indeed, I had already wine 1.1.14 installed (see my first post) and 1.1.16 on my other machine.
Also you are correct, the UI is broken in to three sections: available/upgrades/installed.
My problem is that on both machines, the the newer wine releases never showed up in the ‘upgrades’ section (however it showed other updates, like the recently released kernel) .
Looking under the ‘installed’ section, it claimed that the latest available version was already installed (i.e. 1.1.14 / 1.1.16).
I suspect this is a bug in the Yast Software Manager (which is started when calling “Install Software” in GNOME), because it did not show the available updates, but the zypper tool did show them. This indicates that the problem is not in the way I set up the repository, nor in the repository configuration on the SUSE server. It may of course be a problem in the way that zypper presents updates via it’s API (I presume Yast is using zypper?).
It also did not show the available updates when I started the Software Manager the Yast tool, rather than from the Gnome menu.