Wine potentially taking up a lot of space?

(Sorry for the previous post I made that didn’t make my point clear enough)

Hello, I was trying to figure out how to use PlayOnLinux. Unfortunately, I had to install Windows software a couple of times and cancelled them but I am not sure if it is taking up extra space on my hard drive.

I downloaded Wine/Winetricks earlier and it said that I needed 254 packages. However, I uninstalled it using sudo zypper remove --clean-dep wine but it said that only 239 packages would be removed. I don’t know if this is also taking up extra space on my hard drive.

Is there any software to remove the cache (maybe something similar to Treesize)? I don’t know why I have used 100GB of disk space already.

If you are running KDE, try Filelight to see under which directory space is used.

You probably have to install it first using:

sudo zypper install filelight

It doesn’t show the actual total disk usage. This also applies to QDirStat and Disk Usage Analyzer.

Also, how do I remove redundant Wine instances?

What do you mean with wine instances? Delete the .wine directories/profiles. And/or simply uninstall unwanted wine applications via the wine installer.

Dependend which filesystem you are using, there are a massive amount of command line tools/GUI tools available to show directory/file system sizes.

Also check /var/log/ size. This may take up s lot of space.

If you use snapper, the snapshots may also take a lot of space.

I tried to install a program numerous times and it didn’t work on Bottles and PlayOnLinux. Idk if it takes up space somewhere else within my disk.

Yeah I tried three. The QDirStat was more accurate but never fully accurate.

You need to be aware that different tools use different „rounding“ of numbers, e.g. 1000 kb vs 1024 kb and so on.

The GUI tools for disk usage are good enough to get an understanding which directory is roughly taking up the most space
Good file mangers like Dolphin (KDE Plasma) can show directory/file sizes on their own. As example if you believe that your wine directory takes up to much space, right click on the directory and check the size. Or simply configure your file manager to show permanently the size in detail view.

And you may also read up on some basic commands like du and df:

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Yeah but it still refuses to show the value. It just says >90GB or something.

Anyway, I found out that the Wine data for Bottles was taking extra space in ~/.local/share/bottles. Thanks for the df and du commands.

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