Wine issues

I installed WINE to attempt to install some windows applications. I can’t find the program or application of Wine to install?

I then installed WINE-DOORS and tried to install some applications.

  1. When I tried to install winRAR from the menu, it always comes up with REPORTED 1 TIME: INSTALLATION FAILED: INSTALLING APPLICATION: WINRAR v 3.71 RETURNED 512.

What is this? I click on help and nothing happens.

  1. I tired to install something simple like backup Exec 11., but I can’t even get Wine-Doors to do anything with it. What am I missing?

Are you tried to install these programs without Wine-doors?
Take a look to the Wine how-to: Wine - openSUSE.
Usage is very simple:

#wine /patch/to/the/exe/file.exe

Maybe you need something from codeweavers?

Simplifies the whole wine thing a bit.

BTW, don’t be surprised if the apps don’t run.
WINE is extremely bug laden. I doubt if BackupExec
will run. If it does, congrats! Not sure why you’d even
need WinRAR, but okay.

In all honesty, look for Linux apps that have the same functionality
that you need from the above and use them if you can. You’ll
be better off in the long run.

Thank you for the advice and info. BE will not work (****, still need a windows station).

As for the WinRar, jus testing and curious more than anything.

try running the .exe from a terminal
eg: wine ./programname.exe

it very possible
Wine AppDB - WinRAR

> Thank you for the advice and info. BE will not work (****, still need a
> windows station).

What do you need BE to do? Are you trying to remotely backup something
or backup the local machine?

I need BE for remote admin.


I have a question. I installed a software that I can not find a linux equivilent for (e-Sword bible software J-sword is a no go) and I can not find where it was installed. I have a -ink file on the desktop but it is not linked to anything.

How/where do I find the files WINE installs?

Have a look in .wine. It’s a hidden folder,so,if you are using KDE,you need to click “show hidden files” under the view options


You should also have a wine entry in kicker (start menu)


I helped someone compile that a while back, but it’s also available in
the Education community repository. bibletime, sword etc.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 4:43, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.17, 0.24
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 177.80

> I need BE for remote admin.

Alright, then I’d suggest setting up a virtual machine under
VMware or the virtualization program of your choice. I run all of
my windows admin tools on a vm under linux. Been working that way
for many years now. Let’s you use what you want when you need it and
you can keep improving your Linux skills.

Nope no WINE entry in start I looked there and when I type WINE in the search it gave me a run command but does not run anything. I found the file, but it will not open the associated files just the main program.

Ok silly newbie question, where do I find the Education community repository?

If you open YaST->Software->Software Repositories then hit the add
button then select the community repository radio button then hit next.

At the bottom of the list select the Education one and ok/finish. If
you get asked to accept the gpg key say yes.

Once it’s all added, you can now use the Software Management module and
search on your software.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 8:20, 2 users, load average: 0.06, 0.07, 0.09
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 177.80