wine app shows no text in translation pane

I am using openSUSE 12.1, on a laptop and a desktop (see below for
system info).

I run a Tagalog-English dictionary from lingvosoft on my desktop. Runs
without a problem. Desktop wine is wine-1.4-2.12.1.x86_64

I tried to install lingvosoft dictionary on my laptop, new, just
installed openSUSE. Wine version is wine-1.5.8-176.1x86_64.

On the laptop version, the translated words in the 2nd pane are not
there. It is only blank. I don’t know if it is something with the fonts,
or libraries, or what, and I don’t know how to t/s to find out.

In both cases, the wine installed is from the wine repositories for

Any ideas?

Box #1: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Phenom IIX4 | 64 | ATI Radeon HD 3300 | 16GB
Box #2: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Athlon X3 | 64 | nVidia C61 GeForce
7025 | 4GB
Laptop: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | Core i7-2620M | 64 | Intel HD Graphics 3000
| 8GB
learning openSUSE and loving it

On 17/07/12 01:15, grglsn wrote:
> I am using openSUSE 12.1, on a laptop and a desktop (see below for
> system info).
> I run a Tagalog-English dictionary from lingvosoft on my desktop. Runs
> without a problem. Desktop wine is wine-1.4-2.12.1.x86_64
> I tried to install lingvosoft dictionary on my laptop, new, just
> installed openSUSE. Wine version is wine-1.5.8-176.1x86_64.
> On the laptop version, the translated words in the 2nd pane are not
> there. It is only blank. I don’t know if it is something with the fonts,
> or libraries, or what, and I don’t know how to t/s to find out.
> In both cases, the wine installed is from the wine repositories for
> openSUSE.
> Any ideas?
> –
> G.O.
> Box #1: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Phenom IIX4 | 64 | ATI Radeon HD 3300 | 16GB
> Box #2: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Athlon X3 | 64 | nVidia C61 GeForce
> 7025 | 4GB
> Laptop: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | Core i7-2620M | 64 | Intel HD Graphics 3000
> | 8GB
> learning openSUSE and loving it

Try setting the fonts in the application itself

On 07/17/2012 01:21 PM, caf4926 wrote:
> On 17/07/12 01:15, grglsn wrote:
>> On the laptop version, the translated words in the 2nd pane are not
>> there. It is only blank. I don’t know if it is something with the fonts,
>> or libraries, or what, and I don’t know how to t/s to find out.
>> In both cases, the wine installed is from the wine repositories for
>> openSUSE.
>> Any ideas?
>> –
>> G.O.
>> Box #1: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Phenom IIX4 | 64 | ATI Radeon HD 3300
>> | 16GB
>> Box #2: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Athlon X3 | 64 | nVidia C61 GeForce
>> 7025 | 4GB
>> Laptop: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | Core i7-2620M | 64 | Intel HD Graphics 3000
>> | 8GB
>> learning openSUSE and loving it
> Try setting the fonts in the application itself

Ok, I tried setting fonts in the application, and I got an error which
caused the application to shut down. This is the error:

“The program has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We
are sorry for the Inconvenience. This can be caused by a problem in the
program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the application
database for tips about running the application.”

Then the data dump is as follows:
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit
code (0x0043e7d6).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:0043e7d6 ESP:0033eff8 EBP:0033f99c EFLAGS:00210246( R- – I Z-
-P- )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:006af8dc EDX:00000000
ESI:006af2c0 EDI:00000009
Stack dump:
0x0033eff8: d2aa6e43 00000009 006af2c0 0033f99c
0x0033f008: 00000001 006b2548 fffffff0 00000000
0x0033f018: 004aa827 0067b000 00000000 004aa846
0x0033f028: d2aa71eb fffffff0 006af5bc 00000001
0x0033f038: 000097a4 0033f028 00000001 0033f084
0x0033f048: 004a8fd0 d2cb28c7 fffffffe 004aa846
000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit r–
=>0 0x0043e7d6 in ld_2008 (+0x3e7d6) (0x0033f99c)
1 0x00483657 in ld_2008 (+0x83656) (0x0033f9cc)
2 0x0048a623 in ld_2008 (+0x8a622) (0x0033fa0c)
0x0043e7d6: movl 0x0(%eax),%ecx
Module Address Debug info Name (96 modules)
PE 400000- 67b000 Export ld_2008
ELF 7b800000-7ba40000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
-PE 7b810000-7ba40000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcd3000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
-PE 7bc10000-7bcd3000 \ ntdll
ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader>
ELF 7d4d9000-7d600000 Deferred mshtml<elf>
-PE 7d4f0000-7d600000 \ mshtml
ELF 7d74c000-7d76a000 Deferred
ELF 7d789000-7d800000 Deferred wininet<elf>
-PE 7d790000-7d800000 \ wininet
ELF 7d908000-7d945000 Deferred usp10<elf>
-PE 7d910000-7d945000 \ usp10
ELF 7d945000-7d96c000 Deferred mpr<elf>
-PE 7d950000-7d96c000 \ mpr
ELF 7d96c000-7d9ff000 Deferred urlmon<elf>
-PE 7d980000-7d9ff000 \ urlmon
ELF 7da3a000-7daaa000 Deferred ieframe<elf>
-PE 7da40000-7daaa000 \ ieframe
ELF 7daaa000-7dade000 Deferred hhctrl<elf>
-PE 7dab0000-7dade000 \ hhctrl
ELF 7dade000-7daec000 Deferred
ELF 7daec000-7daf8000 Deferred
ELF 7daf8000-7db11000 Deferred
ELF 7db11000-7db1b000 Deferred
ELF 7db1b000-7db39000 Deferred
ELF 7db39000-7db50000 Deferred
ELF 7db50000-7db55000 Deferred
ELF 7db55000-7db5f000 Deferred
ELF 7db5f000-7db88000 Deferred
ELF 7db88000-7dc55000 Deferred
ELF 7dc55000-7ddf5000 Deferred
ELF 7ddf5000-7de4c000 Deferred
ELF 7de4c000-7de89000 Deferred
ELF 7de89000-7dedc000 Deferred
ELF 7df11000-7df47000 Deferred uxtheme<elf>
-PE 7df20000-7df47000 \ uxtheme
ELF 7df47000-7df4e000 Deferred
ELF 7df4e000-7df59000 Deferred
ELF 7df5b000-7df60000 Deferred
ELF 7e023000-7e04d000 Deferred
ELF 7e04d000-7e082000 Deferred
ELF 7e082000-7e092000 Deferred
ELF 7e092000-7e096000 Deferred
ELF 7e096000-7e09f000 Deferred
ELF 7e09f000-7e0aa000 Deferred
ELF 7e0aa000-7e0b0000 Deferred
ELF 7e0b0000-7e0b4000 Deferred
ELF 7e0b4000-7e0d8000 Deferred imm32<elf>
-PE 7e0c0000-7e0d8000 \ imm32
ELF 7e0d8000-7e0f8000 Deferred
ELF 7e0f8000-7e113000 Deferred
ELF 7e113000-7e24f000 Deferred
ELF 7e24f000-7e261000 Deferred
ELF 7e261000-7e26a000 Deferred
ELF 7e26a000-7e2f8000 Deferred winex11<elf>
-PE 7e270000-7e2f8000 \ winex11
ELF 7e2f8000-7e310000 Deferred
ELF 7e310000-7e399000 Deferred
ELF 7e3b8000-7e3ec000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
-PE 7e3c0000-7e3ec000 \ ws2_32
ELF 7e3ec000-7e517000 Deferred oleaut32<elf>
-PE 7e400000-7e517000 \ oleaut32
ELF 7e517000-7e596000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
-PE 7e520000-7e596000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 7e596000-7e6bf000 Deferred ole32<elf>
-PE 7e5b0000-7e6bf000 \ ole32
ELF 7e6bf000-7e6f8000 Deferred oledlg<elf>
-PE 7e6c0000-7e6f8000 \ oledlg
ELF 7e6f8000-7e737000 Deferred winspool<elf>
-PE 7e700000-7e737000 \ winspool
ELF 7e737000-7e83c000 Deferred comctl32<elf>
-PE 7e740000-7e83c000 \ comctl32
ELF 7e83c000-7e8b0000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
-PE 7e850000-7e8b0000 \ shlwapi
ELF 7e8b0000-7ead8000 Deferred shell32<elf>
-PE 7e8c0000-7ead8000 \ shell32
ELF 7ead8000-7ebbd000 Deferred comdlg32<elf>
-PE 7eae0000-7ebbd000 \ comdlg32
ELF 7ebbd000-7ec27000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
-PE 7ebd0000-7ec27000 \ advapi32
ELF 7ec27000-7ecf5000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
-PE 7ec30000-7ecf5000 \ gdi32
ELF 7ecf5000-7ee47000 Deferred user32<elf>
-PE 7ed10000-7ee47000 \ user32
ELF 7efb6000-7efe1000 Deferred
ELF 7efe2000-7efe6000 Deferred
ELF 7efe6000-7f000000 Deferred version<elf>
-PE 7eff0000-7f000000 \ version
ELF f74c1000-f74c7000 Deferred
ELF f74cb000-f74d0000 Deferred
ELF f74d0000-f763d000 Deferred
ELF f763d000-f7658000 Deferred
ELF f7677000-f77bb000 Dwarf
ELF f77bc000-f77dd000 Deferred
ELF ffffe000-fffff000 Deferred [vdso].so
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
0000001f 0
0000001e 0
00000015 0
00000010 0
0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
0000001a 0
00000019 0
00000014 0
00000013 0
0000001b plugplay.exe
00000020 0
0000001d 0
0000001c 0
00000021 explorer.exe
00000022 0
00000023 (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\LingvoSoft\LingvoSoft Dictionary
00000024 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.5.8
Platform: i386 (WOW64)
Host system: Linux
Host version: 3.1.10-1.16-desktop

Sorry, forgot to add the code tags. Here it is with code tags.

On 07/17/2012 07:06 PM, grglsn wrote:
> On 07/17/2012 01:21 PM, caf4926 wrote:
>> On 17/07/12 01:15, grglsn wrote:
>>> On the laptop version, the translated words in the 2nd pane are not
>>> there. It is only blank. I don’t know if it is something with the fonts,
>>> or libraries, or what, and I don’t know how to t/s to find out.
>>> In both cases, the wine installed is from the wine repositories for
>>> openSUSE.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> –
>>> G.O.
>>> Box #1: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Phenom IIX4 | 64 | ATI Radeon HD 3300
>>> | 16GB
>>> Box #2: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | AMD Athlon X3 | 64 | nVidia C61 GeForce
>>> 7025 | 4GB
>>> Laptop: 12.1 | KDE 4.8.4 | Core i7-2620M | 64 | Intel HD Graphics 3000
>>> | 8GB
>>> learning openSUSE and loving it
>> Try setting the fonts in the application itself
> Ok, I tried setting fonts in the application, and I got an error which
> caused the application to shut down. This is the error:
> “The program has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We
> are sorry for the Inconvenience. This can be caused by a problem in the
> program or a deficiency in Wine. You may want to check the application
> database for tips about running the application.”
> Then the data dump is as follows:

> Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit
> code (0x0043e7d6).
> Register dump:
>   CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
>   EIP:0043e7d6 ESP:0033eff8 EBP:0033f99c EFLAGS:00210246(  R- --  I  Z-
> -P- )
>   EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:006af8dc EDX:00000000
>   ESI:006af2c0 EDI:00000009
> Stack dump:
> 0x0033eff8:  d2aa6e43 00000009 006af2c0 0033f99c
> 0x0033f008:  00000001 006b2548 fffffff0 00000000
> 0x0033f018:  004aa827 0067b000 00000000 004aa846
> 0x0033f028:  d2aa71eb fffffff0 006af5bc 00000001
> 0x0033f038:  000097a4 0033f028 00000001 0033f084
> 0x0033f048:  004a8fd0 d2cb28c7 fffffffe 004aa846
> 000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit r--
> Backtrace:
> =>0 0x0043e7d6 in ld_2008 (+0x3e7d6) (0x0033f99c)
>    1 0x00483657 in ld_2008 (+0x83656) (0x0033f9cc)
>    2 0x0048a623 in ld_2008 (+0x8a622) (0x0033fa0c)
> 0x0043e7d6: movl    0x0(%eax),%ecx
> Modules:
> Module    Address            Debug info    Name (96 modules)
> PE      400000-  67b000    Export          ld_2008
> ELF    7b800000-7ba40000    Deferred        kernel32<elf>
>    \-PE    7b810000-7ba40000    \               kernel32
> ELF    7bc00000-7bcd3000    Deferred        ntdll<elf>
>    \-PE    7bc10000-7bcd3000    \               ntdll
> ELF    7bf00000-7bf04000    Deferred        <wine-loader>
> ELF    7d4d9000-7d600000    Deferred        mshtml<elf>
>    \-PE    7d4f0000-7d600000    \               mshtml
> ELF    7d74c000-7d76a000    Deferred
> ELF    7d789000-7d800000    Deferred        wininet<elf>
>    \-PE    7d790000-7d800000    \               wininet
> ELF    7d908000-7d945000    Deferred        usp10<elf>
>    \-PE    7d910000-7d945000    \               usp10
> ELF    7d945000-7d96c000    Deferred        mpr<elf>
>    \-PE    7d950000-7d96c000    \               mpr
> ELF    7d96c000-7d9ff000    Deferred        urlmon<elf>
>    \-PE    7d980000-7d9ff000    \               urlmon
> ELF    7da3a000-7daaa000    Deferred        ieframe<elf>
>    \-PE    7da40000-7daaa000    \               ieframe
> ELF    7daaa000-7dade000    Deferred        hhctrl<elf>
>    \-PE    7dab0000-7dade000    \               hhctrl
> ELF    7dade000-7daec000    Deferred
> ELF    7daec000-7daf8000    Deferred
> ELF    7daf8000-7db11000    Deferred
> ELF    7db11000-7db1b000    Deferred
> ELF    7db1b000-7db39000    Deferred
> ELF    7db39000-7db50000    Deferred
> ELF    7db50000-7db55000    Deferred
> ELF    7db55000-7db5f000    Deferred
> ELF    7db5f000-7db88000    Deferred
> ELF    7db88000-7dc55000    Deferred
> ELF    7dc55000-7ddf5000    Deferred
> ELF    7ddf5000-7de4c000    Deferred
> ELF    7de4c000-7de89000    Deferred
> ELF    7de89000-7dedc000    Deferred
> ELF    7df11000-7df47000    Deferred        uxtheme<elf>
>    \-PE    7df20000-7df47000    \               uxtheme
> ELF    7df47000-7df4e000    Deferred
> ELF    7df4e000-7df59000    Deferred
> ELF    7df5b000-7df60000    Deferred
> ELF    7e023000-7e04d000    Deferred
> ELF    7e04d000-7e082000    Deferred
> ELF    7e082000-7e092000    Deferred
> ELF    7e092000-7e096000    Deferred
> ELF    7e096000-7e09f000    Deferred
> ELF    7e09f000-7e0aa000    Deferred
> ELF    7e0aa000-7e0b0000    Deferred
> ELF    7e0b0000-7e0b4000    Deferred
> ELF    7e0b4000-7e0d8000    Deferred        imm32<elf>
>    \-PE    7e0c0000-7e0d8000    \               imm32
> ELF    7e0d8000-7e0f8000    Deferred
> ELF    7e0f8000-7e113000    Deferred
> ELF    7e113000-7e24f000    Deferred
> ELF    7e24f000-7e261000    Deferred
> ELF    7e261000-7e26a000    Deferred
> ELF    7e26a000-7e2f8000    Deferred        winex11<elf>
>    \-PE    7e270000-7e2f8000    \               winex11
> ELF    7e2f8000-7e310000    Deferred
> ELF    7e310000-7e399000    Deferred
> ELF    7e3b8000-7e3ec000    Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
>    \-PE    7e3c0000-7e3ec000    \               ws2_32
> ELF    7e3ec000-7e517000    Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
>    \-PE    7e400000-7e517000    \               oleaut32
> ELF    7e517000-7e596000    Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
>    \-PE    7e520000-7e596000    \               rpcrt4
> ELF    7e596000-7e6bf000    Deferred        ole32<elf>
>    \-PE    7e5b0000-7e6bf000    \               ole32
> ELF    7e6bf000-7e6f8000    Deferred        oledlg<elf>
>    \-PE    7e6c0000-7e6f8000    \               oledlg
> ELF    7e6f8000-7e737000    Deferred        winspool<elf>
>    \-PE    7e700000-7e737000    \               winspool
> ELF    7e737000-7e83c000    Deferred        comctl32<elf>
>    \-PE    7e740000-7e83c000    \               comctl32
> ELF    7e83c000-7e8b0000    Deferred        shlwapi<elf>
>    \-PE    7e850000-7e8b0000    \               shlwapi
> ELF    7e8b0000-7ead8000    Deferred        shell32<elf>
>    \-PE    7e8c0000-7ead8000    \               shell32
> ELF    7ead8000-7ebbd000    Deferred        comdlg32<elf>
>    \-PE    7eae0000-7ebbd000    \               comdlg32
> ELF    7ebbd000-7ec27000    Deferred        advapi32<elf>
>    \-PE    7ebd0000-7ec27000    \               advapi32
> ELF    7ec27000-7ecf5000    Deferred        gdi32<elf>
>    \-PE    7ec30000-7ecf5000    \               gdi32
> ELF    7ecf5000-7ee47000    Deferred        user32<elf>
>    \-PE    7ed10000-7ee47000    \               user32
> ELF    7efb6000-7efe1000    Deferred
> ELF    7efe2000-7efe6000    Deferred
> ELF    7efe6000-7f000000    Deferred        version<elf>
>    \-PE    7eff0000-7f000000    \               version
> ELF    f74c1000-f74c7000    Deferred
> ELF    f74cb000-f74d0000    Deferred
> ELF    f74d0000-f763d000    Deferred
> ELF    f763d000-f7658000    Deferred
> ELF    f7677000-f77bb000    Dwarf 
> ELF    f77bc000-f77dd000    Deferred
> ELF    ffffe000-fffff000    Deferred        [vdso].so
> Threads:
> process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
> 0000000e services.exe
>      0000001f    0
>      0000001e    0
>      00000015    0
>      00000010    0
>      0000000f    0
> 00000012 winedevice.exe
>      0000001a    0
>      00000019    0
>      00000014    0
>      00000013    0
> 0000001b plugplay.exe
>      00000020    0
>      0000001d    0
>      0000001c    0
> 00000021 explorer.exe
>      00000022    0
> 00000023 (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\LingvoSoft\LingvoSoft Dictionary
> 2008\LD_2008.exe
>      00000024    0 <==
> System information:
>      Wine build: wine-1.5.8
>      Platform: i386 (WOW64)
>      Host system: Linux
>      Host version: 3.1.10-1.16-desktop


Try installing 1.4 on the laptop. If that solves the problem, then there’s a regression in Wine.

On 07/17/2012 09:26 PM, dimesio wrote:
> grglsn;2474832 Wrote:
>> On the laptop version, the translated words in the 2nd pane are not
>> there. It is only blank. I don’t know if it is something with the
>> fonts,
>> or libraries, or what, and I don’t know how to t/s to find out.
> Try installing 1.4 on the laptop. If that solves the problem, then
> there’s a regression in Wine.
That was it, thanks! When I went back to 1.4 and then opened the
application, it said it needed to download a “gecko” thing of some sort
in order to display characters in applications that use html for their
display. So I downloaded it and after that the application worked like
it was supposed to.

When you sa a “regression in Wine”, what exactly do you mean?

When you sa a “regression in Wine”, what exactly do you mean?

Some kind of software bug has been introduced. You may want to search for and/or file a bug report.

From what grgisn said about gecko, it’s not a regression. It sounds like he didn’t have the wine-gecko package installed, or possibly had too old a version for 1.5.8.

Thanks, I missed that. Just answered is question about a ‘regression’. Glad its sorted anyway.