we’re working in a Windows environment (but using Samba and no Windows servers). I work at the IT department and we’ll have the opportunity to install Opensuse. I already used it (and at home I’m using Ubuntu for more then two years now). We managed already to put our test pc into our domain. Now I was wondering the following. In Windows you have a utility, called User manager, to add/remove user from the domain. I was wondering if there exists something like that for Opensuse. Does anybody has an idea?
I use NIS (Network Information System) and NFS (Network File System). These have a server and a client side.
NIS-server allows me to administer all users on the server, NIS-client replaces the standard login/authentication on the clients. The users do not exist on the clients.
NFS-server exports folders/partitions across the network. NIS-client mounts these exports on the clients. From the server /home is exported, on the clients it’s mounted. So any user can login on any machine in the network, always facing his/her own desktop and files.
Hope this helps you on the way to complete switch to open source.
thankfully i do not have to know anything about Windows…but, i think
maybe the answer you search is in one of “swerndna’s” excellent guides
at http://opensuse.swerdna.org/index.html
Thanks, I’ll have a look. I can always install XP via virtualbox to use the user manager, but if I could do this through Linux, I wouldn’t need Windows anymore.