WIndow Managers Poll

We are all familiar with the the major DE’s but it seems the window managers just don’t get enough credit, not the kind they deserve.

  • So what Window Manager do you like, use and why?
  • What could make those Window Managers better?
  • Or what has made them worse?

I haven’t used the others in awhile so I just chose IceWM. I have always liked it and I am currently using it when I play some 3D games.

Where’s kwin? :stuck_out_tongue:

I use the one that is used by my KDE 3.5. Do I have to know which one it is???

yes yes you do!!! :smiley: it’s kwin :stuck_out_tongue:

I am going to have to consult with you before I do these polls, lol

Actually I added 10 and I wanted to put more on but it wouldn’t let me once I got to the poll part. So I deleted one and added “Other” for an option.

Thanks microchip8 for the view under the hood.

I now voted *others, *because it seems that suse_amd64x2 skipped the most important one, *others *is now at 75%.

I would have added Kwin but unlike the other WM’s Kwin did not send lobbyists, did not give me special present and promises of a lot of money!!!

Actually I forgot that one. I was going by memory and well lets just say it has its good days and its bad days, lol.

hcvv wrote:
> Thanks microchip8 for the view under the hood.
> I now voted -others, -because it seems that suse_amd64x2 skipped the
> most important one, -others -is now at 75%.
Yup, the most important one being openbox since that is what lxde uses.

It is proven again and again, not only here, that making good polls is much, much more difficult then working with computers rotfl!

And as statistics are often based on polls …, well you know what they say about statistics :sarcastic:

Pshaw!! Wm’s are for wimps rotfl! Cli rules >:)


Compiz-Fusion + Emerald, best combination I’ve used so far. Kwin comes it at a close second for me. I’m a Windows convert and GUI guy so no CLI for me :wink:

Take Care,


I use xfce so it’s xfwm4 here

It is proven again and again, not only here, that making good polls is much, much more difficult then working with computers

I am starting to see this, lol.

Yeah, stupid lobbyists! rotfl!
I use Kwin so I’m in 75% good company!

Hey where’s compiz, emerald and kwin. I think they are used by a lot of people:P I use metacity/emerald with compiz on Gnome and Kwin when using KDE:)

I have tried different window managers but in the end the only one that I use the most is:
very light and with a very easy configuration.

Bah! CLIs are for girls, real men use chalk and a piece of slate they cut out of the ground themselves - by hand!!

kWin all the way.

By forgetting kWin you brought this idea to me for my writing polls for M$: forget some more and the poll would be like this:
Which OS do you like most?

  • Windows
    Vote here


Hilarious! rotfl!

Kwin for me too.