Can somebody else plse confirm this as well:
(RH click window title bar)
More Actions
Window Manager Settings
Window Rules
Modify or New
Size & Position
Activity => stuck on 'ALL ACTIVITIES"
… but when you set the window’s ACTIVITY under
More Actions
Special Applications/Window Settings
Size & Position
Select the Activity
… it still does not appear in the Window Manager as cited above.
My experience is that if I try to set to a different activity than the current one, it instead goes to “all activities”. But if I then switch my session to use the intended activity, I am then able to switch the window to that particular activity.
It seems that a window can only be set to “all activities” or to the current activity.
I suppose that is another example of how Activities are "better" than virtual desktops.:sarcastic:
… “better” maybe … but if not a bug then bad design for sure!!
doing the same with the ‘Window Manager Settings’ dialog under Mint 17.1 (.kde not .kde4) all the ‘Activities’ are presented in the combo box for selection … whereas here (OpenSUSE / .kde4) the combo box for setting the ‘Activity’ that an application should belong to is frozen on ‘ALL ACTIVITES’ (using Window Manager Settings)… albeit the same interface when exposed through either the ‘Special Window / Application Settings …’ menu option allows the user to choose which Activity the application (or window??) should belong to.
… but this is not where the bug ends!!! … as the ‘frozen’ ALL APPLICATIONS value from the Window Manager populates the same data field when editing previously assigned window/application settings via the ‘Special Window / Applications …’ menu option, overwriting what one might have chosen before!! …and then of course if not noticed, when saving those settings the assignment is returned to ‘All Activities’.
AND THEN … to make matters worse (or more confusing) each time one 'edits the Special Window / Applications Settings using the menu option of the same name, a separate Window Rule is written to the system (see under Window Manager Settings > Window Rules tab) … … instead of updating the Window Rule that already exists!! … Hence the system must (and does) get confused (or is it just me :D) which Window Rule to use when the application is loaded again … OR maybe this is the way it is designed?? Either way most confusing to understand and to configure.
So ‘Better’ you say??? ahah