Window Glow

I got to really like, and rely on, the glow around the active window in 13.1. I can’t seem to find a place to set it in 42.1. Am I missing something?

Maybe this is DE dependent. Better explain which DE you are talking about.

Yes. Sorry. kde.

I never liked that. It’s why I usually disabled desktop effects. I’m happy that it is gone in Plasma 5.

I guess it’s a matter of user preference.

Well, to each his own. I find that when I need to do something at the CLI, I find it handy to have several windows open, each with a man page showing the the syntax of the thing I’m trying to do. Without the glow, I’m forever typing in the wrong window! Making the non-default window dimmer or transparent make it hard to read. I just like the “glow”.

Seems like they took that along with the different backgrounds for virtual windows. A big step backward in my opinion. I miss it.


That explains the difference.

I use “Focus follows mouse”, so I’m usually typing in the right window.

Hmmm. That might work just as well. Where’s that setting? I’ll certainly try it.

That’s in “Window Management”. Slide the slider. And then you will probably also want to check the box “Raise on hover”.

You might find it unnatural at first. I’ve been doing it that way since around 1995 (slackware at that time).

You know, I think I’m going to like that! Thanks! Still miss the pretty “Glow” though. I really enjoyed seeing the Windows users drool. :slight_smile:

Well, Breeze does not draw a “Glow”. It is not necessary any more because the title bar of the active window is colored differently anyway (unlike in KDE4, by default at least).

It does draw a shadow though, and you can change the shadow’s color in its settings (“Configure Desktop”->“Application Appearance”->“Window Decoration”, click on the settings button right of the preview and switch to the “Shadow” tab)

Or change the window decoration to KDE4’s default “Oxygen”, that should show the same glow as in KDE4.
You might have to install the package oxygen5-decoration first though, I think it’s not installed by default.

That does it! Thanks! Thanks a bunch!

One question though, How did you know about oxyegn5-decoration, or more importantly I guess, how should I have found out about it?


Well, I’m using Plasma5 since over two years already (before 5.0 was even released, not as full-time desktop though), and I also follow the development. :wink:
In the beginning, the oxygen window decoration was even the only one available… Breeze has only been added (as native deco, not as Aurorae theme that it was before) and used by default in 5.2.0: