Will there be a version of openFoam for TUMBLEWEED?

I would like to know whether there will be a version of openFoam for TUMBLEWEED in the near future, if not, are there plans for 15.4?

Jan Christian Anker


When I am selecting Tumbleweed, I get

No packages found matching your search.                
              You could try to extend your search to development  packages or search for another base distribution (currently  openSUSE:Factory).

When I select base distribution, I cannot install Tumbleweed updates due to a version mismatch.

You are selecting it where?

Note that if you want to install the openFoam package you better first add the Science repo, https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/science/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/

Show science / openfoam - openSUSE Build Service (as indicated in #3 above)

Here is what I get following the link you propse:

**Resource is no longer available!**

        The requested URL is no longer available on this server and there is no     forwarding address.              If you followed a link from a foreign page, please contact the     author of this page.           
  If you think this is a server error, please contact the [EMAIL="webmaster@opensuse.org"]webmaster[/EMAIL].  
  **Error 404**


Hi Jan
You need to make sure you follow the link to the download repository, else you need to be logged into OBS to download direct from the project build.

Yes, I can read. This page does not have any GUI element (drop-down list, checkbox) for “selecting Tumbleweed” so it is unclear what you are doing when you get an error.