Will ever DeVeDe be fixed???

Hi guys, I bet many of you have heard devede is having some issues when converting video files with subtitles “spumux error”, well not me, my problem is devede stop converting video to dvd in about 2 minutes after starting the conversion, before it stops it adds the subtitles and make the iso but the iso only have 70.4 Megabytes in it, so anyone knows a fix for this or i’ll have to wait when the next version is released to see if it works then???

OpenSuSe 11.4 kde

I wrote frequently to developer, but he havent responded for … 3 weeks now.

That’s too bad man, i’ll try to use some windows video conversion software with wine or using windows in virtualbox until devede get’s fixed!

I use devede in Mint 11 to get round this issue in openSUSE.

You mean devede is working in mint 11 seriously???

Oh Yes. For sure

I don’t think it’s a devede issue. Something is Jeffed up in the supporting packages from Packman IMO, but I could be wrong.