Wiki syntax.. adding a how-to page is HORRIBLE! [RANT]

So I finally got the client side of my great “hey let’s make a torrent server” idea working on linux… had some problems as you can see here openSUSE: Login

And since someone posted he/she would be interested in doing the same, I thought I might as well take his/her suggestion and creat a how to page as you can find here.

However… that’s VERY likely the last time I do that, The wiki syntax to add a page is HORRIBlE, who came up with the idea of using 4 spaces to declare a code block? Royal pain in the rear when you try to doubleclick it to highlight/copy… you end up with the 4 @#$! spaces added to it as well.

Using a semi column to indent text like this
: indented text got me ticked off as well.

Not to mention if you want it even further to the right you use ::, :::, ::: etc … same for headings which are declared like this
== I R heading ==
and subheadings like === subheading ===, ==== subheading =====.
What’s wrong with BB tags? [h4] is so much better than ====== subsubsubheading =======.

Oh and meanwhile my ISP was messing up making 2 out of 3 previews time out to my great joy… :sarcastic:

  • Axeia,

I fully agree with you here. Please contact the Wiki team; they also have a mailing list.


Mweh… guess it took some getting used to.
Editted it a bunch of times and it’s not too bad now, apart from the fact that I can’t indent a code block…
But I’d still say [h5][/hd5] would be a ton better than ======= =======
At least the code I posted on there can be easily copied over without spaces wrecking it. (apparently one space does the trick as well and I read a bad example)

Wont bother sending an official “change it” mail as I can understand they’re using a standard and the software used to create/edit the pages is most likely not something you want to start messing with once a lot of content is already added to it.

On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 19:06 +0000, Axeia wrote:
> Mweh… guess it took some getting used to.
> Editted it a bunch of times and it’s not too bad now, apart from the
> fact that I can’t indent a code block…
> But I’d still say [h5][/hd5] would be a ton better than =======
> =======
> At least the code I posted on there can be easily copied over without
> spaces wrecking it. (apparently one space does the trick as well and I
> read a bad example)
> Wont bother sending an official “change it” mail as I can understand
> they’re using a standard and the software used to create/edit the pages
> is most likely not something you want to start messing with once a lot
> of content is already added to it.

mediawiki format is NOT a standard.

The “standard” is

Not saying it’s any better, mediawiki (what powers wikipedia)
is popular and drives some of the nonsense in creole.

BBcode is NOT standard either, certainly not for a wiki.

I think this is PURELY personal taste… I’m sure I can
counter ANY argument for why one format is better than

My personal wiki preference is pmwiki. I’m sure it’s
not any good either (markup wise). :slight_smile:

It takes a bit of work to change the markup … and of
course, it would mean changing all pages from the past.
Even if you just do an additive change, it could make
old pages render poorly.