Wifi not starting on boot

Beginning a couple of days ago when this computer boots there is a long delay (relatively – it use to take 14 sec total) and when it does allow me to login I find there is no wifi network. Running “ifup wlan0” as root does bring it up.

As far as I am aware I changed nothing explicitly but did do “zypper up” as usual for me.

I did boot once with the text showing rater than the graphic and the l was in starting wicked managed service, but I have been unable to find a log file which relates.

Any pointers appreciates.

First, check YaST - System - Servicesmanager for how wicked is configured. I should autostart at boot.

I looked and all the wicked services except wickedd are marked “at boot”, wickedd being marked manual

Also wpa_supplicant is manual.

If it makesany difference I am not running gnome, KDE or any similar desktop system


So I just wait for the gurus to fix? Systems is way outside my comfort zone.

As a quick and dirty fix, change from Wicked to Network Manager – at least until the Wicked issue mentioned in the Bug Report has been resolved …

Why do you not try to downgrade the wpa_supplicant page?

SeeHow do I downgrade a package?for guidance.