WIFI not connecting to network

Hello All
I kick myself because I tried to install a GoogleDrive related app. It got me in trouble. :open_mouth:
I did an upgrade fix for a related login issue so that works good now.
Anyway here below a network extract. Is anyone here who could help getting over this in one way or another preferably without wiping and fresh install?

What exactly is your problem?
In your posted log, your command only displays active services, I don’t understand how that might be relevant to whatever your problem might be.

When you say your “Wifi not connecting to network”

  • If you see any errors when you try to connect, you need to post those.
  • You need to describe whether you are using Network Manager (recommended) or Wicked (default and not recommended).
  • You need to describe if you recently connected to some other network before connecting to this one… Which is a main reason why Wicked is not recommended… Wicked only knows one network connection and never remembers any others, so if you connect to another then your previous network configuration settings are lost.


The problem is solved already, see Google Drive Install_cannot boot system - Applications - openSUSE Forums

In short, name resolution was not working, there was no DNS server configured.