Wifi Link 5100 with OpenSUSE 11.1 stable kernel

I’ve recently downloaded and installed OpenSUSE 11.1 on my laptop which had already Windows Vista installed, whatever it doesn’t matter…
My problem is when i installed OpenSUSE, Yast told me the network card didn’t work and now that everything is completed (the installation) it can’t find it apparently and i can’t connect to internet in wifi. My card is a Wifi Link 5100 as the subject title says.

Can you help me?

Thanks in an advance guys!


Hmmm, did you have a peek at the stickies at the start of this section ? lots of useful info there


Thank you for your answer i’ve succeed connecting to internet in wifi simply using the knetwork manager. This kind of stupid things happens when you begin with something i guess. In my case with Linux…
Now, i’ve some troubles with my audio card. It seems it can’t find it as well. Anyway, it’s not the place for that.

Thank you again.
