wifi doesn't send key


Last week used lxde11.3 and no problem connecting. Today I switched to xfce11.3
and the wifi card is registering fine as connected but it doesn’t send the key out
apparently to register the connection to the modem so it is fully activated.

I think lxde had a network manager but in xfce here I’m using Yast. What mismatch
do I have here ? How do I start a network manager so the key will connect ?



Using yast would mean you switched to ifup - doing that will have a system wide effect, including in lxde. If you want to use network manager, then switch back to it in Yast. Then start the network manager in xfce if it isn’t already running.
If you can’t find it from the menu. Launch it from a terminal. You should be able to use the same network manager as in lxde. I had a quick look in Yast software and couldn’t identify a lxde or xfce specific manager, so I assume it’s using gnome’s version.

Had to reinstall with auto-config off. It installed gnome network manager from install and it works.
When auto-config was on the network manager wasn’t installed. After I installed it is still wouldn’t
work, something awry someplace.

The reinstall without auto-config did it.

thx for your response.
