ich versuche, mittels k3b ein ISO auf eine leere DVD zu brennen, aber jedesmal schreibt k3b, die eingelegte DVD habe weniger Platz als erforderlich. Es sind aber nagelneue, leere DVD’s +RW (intenso) mit 4,7 GB und die ISO-Datei hat nur 4,4 GB. Ich erinnere mich dunkel, daß ich ich das Problem auch schon mal mit einer ISO-Datei um 1 GB hatte.
Kann man k3b diese Unsitte abgewöhnen oder muß man ein anderes Brennprogramm (welches?) installieren?
Oder liegt es am Brenner?
Poste doch einfach das k3b.log:
Ist es so richtig? Weiter unten in der Ausgabe ist die Auflistung eines gelungenen Brennvorganges. Sollte ich lastlog.log löschen und es nochmal versuchen, damit es übersichtlicher wird?
linux-kjhb:/home/xy/.local/share/k3b # cat lastlog.log |more
[System] K3b Version: 18.4.1
[System] KDE Version: 5.32.0
[System] Qt Version: 5.6.2
[System] Kernel: 4.4.126-48-default
[Devices] TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-224DB SB01 (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R doppelschichtig, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R doppelschichtig) [DVD-ROM, DVD-R sequenziell, Zweis
chichtige DVD-R sequenziell, Zweischicht-DVD-R-Sprung, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Eingeschränktes Überbrennen, DVD-RW sequenziell, DVD+RW, DVD+R, Zweischichtige DVD+R, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, RA
W, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R, Eingeschränktes Überbrennen, Sprung zwischen DVD-Schichten] %7]
[Used versions] cdrecord: 3.2a07
[cdrecord command:] /usr/bin/cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/sr0 speed=48 -sao driveropts=burnfree -data -tsize=161280s -
[cdrecord] cdrecord: Insufficient 'file read' privileges. You will not be able to open all needed devices.
[cdrecord] cdrecord: Insufficient 'file write' privileges. You will not be able to open all needed devices.
[cdrecord] cdrecord: Insufficient 'device' privileges. You may not be able to send all needed SCSI commands, this my cause various unexplainable problems.
[cdrecord] cdrecord: Insufficient 'network' privileges. You will not be able to do remote SCSI.
[cdrecord] scsidev: '/dev/sr0'
[cdrecord] devname: '/dev/sr0'
[cdrecord] scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
[cdrecord] Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.
[cdrecord] Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
[cdrecord] SCSI buffer size: 64512
[cdrecord] cdrecord: Warning: Cannot read drive buffer.
[cdrecord] cdrecord: Warning: The DMA speed test has been skipped.
[cdrecord] Cdrecord-ProDVD-ProBD-Clone 3.02a07 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Joerg Schilling
[cdrecord] TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
[cdrecord] Using libscg version 'schily-0.9'.
[cdrecord] Driveropts: 'burnfree'
[cdrecord] atapi: 1
[cdrecord] Device type : Removable CD-ROM
[cdrecord] Version : 5
[cdrecord] Response Format: 2
[cdrecord] Capabilities :
[cdrecord] Vendor_info : 'TSSTcorp'
[cdrecord] Identifikation : 'CDDVDW SH-224DB '
[cdrecord] Revision : 'SB01'
[cdrecord] Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM.
[cdrecord] Current: CD-R
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-R/DL sequential recording
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-R/DL layer jump recording
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD+R/DL
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD+R
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD+RW
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-RW sequential recording
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-RW restricted overwrite
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-RAM
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-R sequential recording
[cdrecord] Profile: DVD-ROM
[cdrecord] Profile: CD-RW
[cdrecord] Profile: CD-R (current)
[cdrecord] Profile: CD-ROM
[cdrecord] Profile: Removable Disk
[cdrecord] Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).
[cdrecord] Driver flags : MMC-3 SWABAUDIO BURNFREE
[cdrecord] Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R16 RAW/R96P RAW/R96R
[cdrecord] Drive buf size : 554400 = 541 KB
[cdrecord] FIFO size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
[cdrecord] Track 01: data 315 MB
[cdrecord] Total size: 361 MB (35:50.40) = 161280 sectors
[cdrecord] Lout start: 362 MB (35:52/30) = 161280 sectors
[cdrecord] Current Secsize: 2048
[cdrecord] ATIP info from disk:
[cdrecord] Indicated writing power: 5
[cdrecord] Disk Is not unrestricted
[cdrecord] Disk Is not erasable
[cdrecord] Disk sub type: Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+) (3)
[cdrecord] ATIP start of lead in: -11634 (97:26/66)
[cdrecord] ATIP start of lead out: 359846 (79:59/71)
[cdrecord] Disk type: Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
[cdrecord] Manuf. index: 3
[cdrecord] Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation
[cdrecord] Capacity Blklen/Sparesz. Format-type Type
[cdrecord] 445350 2048 0x00 No Media Present or Unknown Capacity
[cdrecord] Blocks total: 359846 Blocks current: 359846 Blocks remaining: 198566
[cdrecord] Starting to write CD/DVD/BD at speed 48 in real SAO mode for single session.
[cdrecord] Last chance to quit, starting real write in 3 seconds.
[cdrecord] 2 seconds.
[cdrecord] 1 seconds.
[cdrecord] 0 seconds. Operation starts.
[cdrecord] Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
[cdrecord] BURN-Free is OFF.
[cdrecord] Turning BURN-Free on
[cdrecord] Performing OPC...
[cdrecord] Sending CUE sheet...
[cdrecord] cdrecord: WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (0) using -150
[cdrecord] Writing pregap for track 1 at -150
[cdrecord] Starting new track at sector: 0
[cdrecord] Track 01: 0 of 315 MB written.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 1 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 0,7x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 2 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,6x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 3 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 17,1x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 4 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,6x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 5 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 17,1x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 6 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,5x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 7 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 17,0x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 8 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,5x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 9 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 17,0x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 10 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,5x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 11 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 17,0x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 12 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,4x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 13 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,9x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 14 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,4x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 15 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 98%] 16,9x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 16 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,4x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 17 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,9x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 18 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,3x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 19 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,8x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 20 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,3x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 21 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 98%] 16,8x.
[cdrecord] Track 01: 22 of 315 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 99%] 16,3x.
Sollte ich lastlog.log löschen und es nochmal versuchen, damit es übersichtlicher wird?
Ja und dann bitte das ganze log.
Ist mißlungen:
ich habe lastlog.log gelöscht und dann drei Versuche mit k3b gemacht, zweimal mit nicht leeren R-W-DVD’s, die k3b als nicht leer ablehnte und drittens mit einer leeren DVD, die als zu klein bemängelt wurde.
Eine lastlog.log wurde leider nicht erzeugt.
Edit: Ist auch nicht nach einem Neustart des PC zu finden