Updated host and all VMs (each with Tumbleweed) but one VM no longer start wicked automatically at boot. Gives following message:
Aug 28 17:49:12 services wicked[927]: /org/opensuse/Network/Interface.getManagedObjects failed. Server responds:
Aug 28 17:49:12 services wicked[927]: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
Aug 28 17:49:12 services wicked[927]: Couldn't refresh list of active network interfaces
If I manually start it after boot, it starts up just fine. What is wrong here and how can I fix this?
Oh, wasn’t aware of this. Thanks for info! Highly appreciated!
I don’t really care if it’s wicked or NetworkManager that handles the network connection. This VM does not have GUI - just console so I’m not sure how to change from wicked to NetworkManager (if that’s even possible afterwards easily).
Continuation to the this problem that I cannot figure out.
Before the change to network manager it was possible to ping the VM normally from other VLANs normally. Also, connect to email port (993) bur now this has stopped. I can connect from outside and also from VM host (in same network) but not from different VLAN. This used to work just fine.
Checked with another VM which has same NIC configuration for the VM and there’s no problems. I can ping this VM from different VLAN without problems.
So, route to the VM seems to be fine but for some reason after the network manager change VM is blocking access. journalctl does not provide any logs. Firewall on VM is not running.