wicd opensuse 12.1

I’m try to install wicd on my OpenSuse 12.1 x64.

Can't connect to the daemon, trying to start it automatically...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/wicd/curses/wicd-curses.py", line 1043, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/wicd/curses/wicd-curses.py", line 1031, in setup_dbus
    dbus_ifaces = dbusmanager.get_dbus_ifaces()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wicd/dbusmanager.py", line 36, in get_dbus_ifaces
    return DBUS_MANAGER.get_dbus_ifaces()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wicd/dbusmanager.py", line 62, in get_dbus_ifaces
    if not self._dbus_ifaces: connect_to_dbus()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wicd/dbusmanager.py", line 48, in connect_to_dbus
    return DBUS_MANAGER.connect_to_dbus()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wicd/dbusmanager.py", line 79, in connect_to_dbus
    proxy_obj = self._bus.get_object("org.wicd.daemon", '/org/wicd/daemon')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.py", line 244, in get_object
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/proxies.py", line 241, in __init__
    self._named_service = conn.activate_name_owner(bus_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.py", line 183, in activate_name_owner
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/bus.py", line 281, in start_service_by_name
    'su', (bus_name, flags)))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/connection.py", line 630, in call_blocking
    message, timeout)
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed: Unit dbus-org.wicd.daemon.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status dbus-org.wicd.daemon.service' for details.

I’m not able to start wicd-daemon :

ls /etc/init.d/

acpid           boot.crypto         boot.md         gpm           microcode.ctl     purge-kernels  rpmconfigcheck       syslog
after.local     boot.crypto-early   boot.multipath  halt          multipathd        random         rsyncd               vboxdrv
alsasound       boot.cycle          boot.rootfsck   halt.local    mysql             raw            setserial            vboxes
atd             boot.d              boot.swap       haveged       network           rc             single               xdm
autofs          boot.device-mapper  boot.sysctl     irq_balancer  network-remotefs  rc0.d          skeleton             xfs
autoyast        boot.dmraid         boot.udev       isdn          nfs               rc1.d          skeleton.compat      xinetd
avahi-daemon    boot.klog           cifs            joystick      nmb               rc2.d          smartd               ypbind
avahi-dnsconfd  boot.ldconfig       cpufreq         kbd           nscd              rc3.d          smb
before.local    boot.loadmodules    cron            kexec         ntp               rc4.d          smolt
bluez-coldplug  boot.local          cups            ksysguardd    openvpn           rc5.d          splash
boot            boot.localfs        dbus            lirc          pm-profiler       rc6.d          splash_early
boot.cgroup     boot.localnet       dnsmasq         lm_sensors    postfix           rcS.d          sshd
boot.cleanup    boot.lvm            earlysyslog     mcelog        powerd            reboot         SuSEfirewall2_init
boot.clock      boot.lvm_monitor    fbset           mdadmd        powerfail         rpcbind        SuSEfirewall2_setup

You say “'m try to install wicd on my OpenSuse 12.1 x64.”, but then you show you are tryiing to run it. That means to me that you think that the installation is done.
Is that assumption correct? Can you then please tell how, from where, you installed it. It does not seem to be in the standrad repos.

When you installed from an openSUSE repo, starting it as a system deamon (now and for the boots to come), you go to YaST > System > System services (runlevel). There you should find it and there you can switch it on.

On 07/14/2012 11:36 AM, marinz wrote:
> I’m try to install wicd on my OpenSuse 12.1 x64.

i understand “wicd” to be an open source wired and wireless network
manager for Linux.

so, i wonder why would you want to install wicd?

because, a default install of openSUSE 12.1 with any of the desktop
environments i’m aware of (and especially KDE4, KDE3, GNOME, LXDE, Xfce
and others) is born wireless ready…

via your choice of any of:
-classic “ifup” via the YaST Network Settings module
-direct editing of the config files

did you install a desktop environment? which? if not then you probably
need to use YaST ncurses version and go Network Devices > Network Settings

otherwise, with a desktop installed i’d suggest you visit the wireless
sub-forum at http://tinyurl.com/4lq2s9z, and read the three ‘stickies’
at the top of the list (Getting Your Wireless to Work; My wireless
doesn’t work - a primer on what I should do next; or Welcome)…

one (or more) of those should get your wireless working in no
time…or tell you what you need to post to the wireless forum to
attract the attention of someone with help for you…


A few months ago, I had to use wicd to debug a wireless problem for a user of
Arch Linux. That package caused more system crashes and freezes than any other
piece of software I have used. Other than using it for finding obscure bugs in
drivers, I cannot recommend it to anyone!!!

I’ve got the same experience with this piece of software. It is from the past wile still using Slackware but I see not much has changed since than :slight_smile:

I bring my laptop to many public places like seats2meat in the Netherlands. Networkmanager is often unable to see the network in these public places. I bring a state of the art operating system on my laptop but cannot connect to the network. How embarrassing! ;-( Here is a good and sound reason to use wicd. I have been using it in the past year, with great pleasure.

Last week apper installed an update. Since then i have exactly the same problem as the original poster. Problem basically being that the deamon will not start.

I tried uninstalling wicd and noticed i cannot uninstall the package wicd-deamon. The file /etc/init.d/wicd is missing. A forced reinstall of the package wicd-deamon does not install the file. I cannot start the wicd deamon in the runlevel editor because also there the entry is absent.

It appears that the last update of wicd has broken a couple of things. Anybody any idea how to fix it?

Best regards,


Additional information.

I am using opensuse 12.1, 32 bit.
wicd is present in the network repository:
Index of /repositories/network:/utilities/openSUSE_12.1/noarch
I have downloaded and installed from there.

Best regards,


I seem to have found a dirty-hack-fix.

Wireless is back! Problem solved. The package for opensuse 11.4 appears to work under opensuse 12.1 also.

Good luck!

Hi everyone,

First I’m honnestly sorry for all your problems. I am principal maintainer for this package. This package is in a devel repo and target project is factory so PLEASE DON’T USE THIS !

I explain : sysvinit support had been disable on wicd, because systemd replace it. If you wan’t to use wicd you must start systemd service instead of init script.

Best regards.


posophe wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> First I’m honnestly sorry for all your problems. I am principal
> maintainer for this package. This package is in a devel repo and target
> project is factory so PLEASE DON’T USE THIS !
> I explain : sysvinit support had been disable on wicd, because systemd
> replace it. If you wan’t to use wicd you must start systemd service
> instead of init script.

I don’t know anything about wicd but people in this thread have been
talking about the repository:


That seems like a repository for 12.1, not a development repository. How
can one tell it is a development repository?

12.1 includes both systemd and sysvinit and some people have to use
sysvinit because systemd is buggy on some hardware. So packages for 12.1
need to support sysvinit.

Does 12.2 also include sysvinit?

This repo must and will be disable. Suse 12.1 support is deleted.
Please accept my apologizes but please don’t use wicd package.

Best regards

Ps : nop 12.2 doesn’t support sysvinit but don’t worry all packages must normally use systemd. By default, Opensuse 12.2 boots with systemd
PS2: If you want continue using wicd I can build a fixed release on my personnal repo

For connecting to wifi from the command line I use two applications, and I highly recommend using only these two

wpa_supplicant It should be installed automatically be default and is also the “engine” that powers network manager. Use it to connect to any wpa or wpa2 network, passwords are stored in plain text as hashes. Note that the password hashes store passwords differently than the network manager GUI app.

iw I use this to connect to any open networks and networks protected with WEP.

Both of these applications support creating configurations for APs so that you only need to invoke the name of the network.


I have the same problem. I am getting so sick of this. It seams like every time I update I have to reload the system. I had to reload my desktop last week because of a messed up update and now my netbook is toast. Trying to fix this problem now makes yast not open. I am sick and tired of every time I try and update somthing like this happens. Why both having an update just make everyone reinstall once a week.

And now no yum packages will install.

This is so typical.

Any distros that are less of a headache anyone can recommend.

Mint, PClinuxOS though I think you will run into problems with them at some point as well. Anyhow try it out and see for yourself.

On Sun, 26 Aug 2012 03:56:03 GMT, vdub12
<vdub12@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:

>I have the same problem. I am getting so sick of this. It seams like
>every time I update I have to reload the system. I had to reload my
>desktop last week because of a messed up update and now my netbook is
>toast. Trying to fix this problem now makes yast not open. I am sick and
>tired of every time I try and update somthing like this happens. Why
>both having an update just make everyone reinstall once a week.

And just what tool did you use to update?

Have you read the stickies on updating?

Both apper and kupdate are known to be broken. Use only Yast or zypper if
you want the best results.
