Why wont wine create menu's under opensuse?

Alright heres the deal, I popped Opensuse on a virtualbox install to see how well it would run on my system.
But I have an issue.
I still use some windows software on my system like office for work, and some games for play.
I have found wine in the past to be a great tool for those who want some windows apps in linux without the need to install windows on the side.
But heres the thing, on ubuntu I get a wine menu, on mandriva I get a wine menu, on debian I get a wine menu…
But suse?
No wine menu’s
This means if this was a real install I would have to manually create menu entries which is fine on a single user system…
But I share this computer with my hubby, who uses way more windows software then I do.
Currently he is using Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 and is doing quite well on it and he is beginning to look at other distros we can try out.
One of those he is interested in is OpenSuse, and more for his sake then mine I let him play with it under my vbox install.
My main system is using Ubuntu Hardy as well, in fact its running my opensuse session right now.
But this wine issue will be a problem for him, he is still trying to figure out how to navigate linux, he doesnt have much skill editing menu’s manually and wine has a lot in it that I would have to pop on for him to make it usable.
So I ask is there any way to get opensuse to get wine listed systemwide?
Do I have to edit files, do I have to compile anything?
Hey if I have to edit or compile its no skin off my nose but it seems like such a pain to do so much to get something so simple to work.
Now I already tried to uninstall wine and reinstall it but nothing, I am currently running OpenSuse 11.1 (KDE 4.2) in vbox in a non 64bit enviroment.

I can’t confirm this. For some applications, wine installs the right icons, and launchers inside the suse menu.

Not in my case, Kickoff menu does not show an entry neither does the classic menu.
Is this a KDE bug or something?

Found a couple of bits the default behaviour is to populate the wine menu but have found similar things.

Kmenu And Wine - openSUSE Forums

Missing Wine menu in KDE - Ubuntu Forums

^ this looks close but you may find the structure different but from the looks of things it seems they’re removing the menu and wine and allowing it to default. You could try to find the Suse specific way(Should it be) or perhaps try just refreshing the users configs by renaming .kde(4)

Google search that got it started linux wine apps in kde menu - Google Search

I know this won’t help you a bit, but it works perfectly for me in Suse Gnome.

Those seem to be KDE3 oriented though, also kappfinder is not in the suse repos.
Guess that one I have to convert.

There shouldn’t be much difference in menu creation between 3/4 as for app finder, not sure this is needed many times I’ve reset my KDE by renaming, just a pain losing all the customisation.

I’d try a straight rename first or new user acc see if that helps before getting all complicated.

Also I suspect there is something in the menu that has replaced it, but I doubt it’ll find anything, after recreating the menu.

I’ll have to step out now as I don’t use KDE4 or wine. But I would suspect clean user configs will confirm or deny whether recreating solves it, you have several users telling you it works fine, can’t really comment.

Well maybe if I do convert and install kappfinder for him it might work out.
Alien does come in handy when you look at how small opensuse’s repo is compared to say Ubuntu or even mandriva.

Doing stuff like that will cause unexpected problems far better to get source and build.

Can’t say I often find anything with it, but the app finder really is unlikely to help they did that to repopulate the kmenu with KDE/other apps(Non Wine) I’ve never noticed anything missing or had it find something I know is missing so I’m dubious about relying on kappfinder as some magic pill.

Not sure there really is that much missing when you take OBS into account Software.openSUSE.org

Not to mention there must be a replacement or no need for the app in KDE4 otherwise it would be there I would like to think developers don’t remove useful utilities.

I have used alien in the past with little issue.
And you would be be surprised with developers sometimes…

I expect you have but honestly from my point of view it brings in things that aren’t expected and make supporting it very difficult if not impossible, because it becomes difficult to work out whether the problem is generic or created by using an alien package.

Is not perhaps an alien package that is causing the lack of population by the kde menu :wink: we just don’t know.

We clearly have guys above saying it works on there machines even if they’re pointless posts.

I’d try a fresh set of configs before even going down the road of alien/source or what not.

But the thing is this is on a fresh install at least in terms of a vbox, cant get any fresher then that.
The only thing I changed was KDE (from version 4.1) and updated Open office (to 3.0.1)
Otherwise its pretty fresh.
Wine was installed later but I dont see why that should matter.

Did you keep /home with old configs?

My only guess or otherwise perhaps 4.2 brought in something.

But tbh the more I google the more I find it and yes I’ve found it for Ubuntu, Mandriva not to mention a few others but yet not a solution beyond the earlier ones in this thread.

At the moment I’m left with a re-install something I detest suggesting but have no idea where to even point you I suspect this would fall into kde’s domain though.

Did stumble across this they imply its buried in ~/.kde Kmenu And Wine - openSUSE Forums

All points to configs in home still nothing else, also have this in regards to the whole section missing, Blog::Syldavia » Blog Archive » Wine menu not showing in SuSE’s KDE

I can only leave you googling and leave you with my little bit of advice in order of standard repo (Oss, Non-Oss etc) rpm, rebuild a src.rpm from same places and/or OBS(Software search), then source site and build, then maybe a RH src.rpm rebuild, and then only after exhausting all the previous would I consider alien.

Not sure if this will help, but I have my parents’ computer set up with OpenSUSE 11.1 KDE 4.2. They have no idea what an operating system is. I had to set it up so all they had to do is click for the internet or for email or skype. That’s all they use it for and even then they rarely use it.

Most of the programs I install in wine ask if you want to make a desktop shortcut. If you choose to it will show up on the Desktop as a regular .desktop launcher.

I’ve done this for a wine windows firefox when websites need you to be running windows. I then just add a folder view of the desktop and only keep those launchers there. Another thing with OpenSUSE 11.1 KDE 4.2 is when I install applications they are either in the Application Launcher Menu Applications>Recently Installed menu or Applications>Applications menu.

I installed an old windows game and although it doesn’t show up on the desktop it is in the Application Launcher Menu under Applications>Applications.

I’ve installed Mediacoder as well and that is under the Applications>Recently Installed as well as the Applications>Applications menu.

So there are three places I could think to look for the wine installed programs. Hope this helps a little!

Well I have a lot and mean lot of repos enabled here.
But none of them seem to have kappfinder.
Hey I know the risks of alien so no need to tell me.
But KDE 4.2 is a good suspect indeed, maybe a reinstall will help.

TBH I found too many repos caused me too many troubles I only have Packman, Nvidia, OSS, Non-OSS, Update.

I learn’t my lesson when a repo I had enabled dumped in an experimental kernel that took me into deep water. Not to mention you also can get the odd conflict recall something with the vlc repo that conflicts with another.

But googling really didn’t help me in the end, except to confirm this problem is relatively common and neither is it distro or version specific.

Not sure if you have used winecfg after installing Wine. If so ignore. In Kde 3.5 this will allow the menu to get a Applications folder and application every time you do the install of the Windows program. If you are simply running the Windows program from disk without a install this may be also a reason for no application in menu showing up.

You can install using wine programssetupfile.exe or if installing from CD simply look for the setup.exe file in your File browser and right click “Open with” wine. The first time you do this you may have to enter wine as the program to run it with. After it should be automatic for this type of file. Once you get a Menu item you can always right click on it a and add item to desktop.

Hope that helps

You should get e menu with wine applications in kicker even in KDE 4x
But you will have to run winecfg first.
For more info see the link in my sig


Personally I’d try logging out and back in.
Then check the menus.

No tried everything, no solution here.
I tried installing, reinstalling, logging in as root, manually editing files, deleting my vbox home directory, every trick in the book.
But no menu for wine for me.
I dont know where you guys are going right, maybe opensuse is not in the cards for us… you really dont know how important wine is for my husband.