Why does my system gets slower after a few month?

Hello, everyone.
I have a bit strange problem. My system (opensuse 11.2, kde 4.x) got significantly slower after a year of usage. Its response time is higher, boots longer. Filesystem is ext3 and is not fragmented. Number of daemons loaded on startup hasn’t changed.
What can cause the problem and how can I solve it?

Use ‘top’ when the system is idle and see if there is something consuming CPU cycles.

Never ran any updates?

For example: updating the X-server may cause a broken NVIDIA driver install, with slow performance or no desktop as a result.
Also, you might benefit from an update to KDE4 4.5.2, the 4.5 versions are much faster than the 4.4 ones.

Another one is to look at the /tmp folders. Use Yast - System - sysconfigeditor to set options to clean out the /tmp folder. DO NOT REMOVE THINGS FROM /tmp ‘by hand’.

of course i used top, by it seems to be quite ok - no unknown applications consuming cpu. I am aware of possible problems after upgrading xserver and so on, and if it were them i would notice the difference in performance immediately. The slowdown didn’t happen all at a sudden, i just notice that is less responsible than it used to be.
Does anybody else experience such problem?

Hello krot-s,

Maybe your home partition is full?

Or your harddisk is damaged?
Could you post the output of this command:

smartctl -a /dev/sda

Best of luck!:wink:

unfortunatelly i can’t show smartctl output because i sold that notebook and bought a new one. I am giving the description of the problem i had, i want to avoid it in future with new system.

unfortunatelly i can’t show smartctl output because i sold that notebook and bought a new one.

Too bad. But in fact, when CPU is not the bottleneck, you run

vmstat 1

and it will show you processes waiting for IO.

Do you regularly clear /tmp? If not, that can in some cases begin to slow things down.


You might want to check out this thread WFM:
Clear Temp Files at Boot

Thank you for advices, guys!

Please let us know, how you got on with this. Others might benefit from your results :slight_smile: