it is extremely depressing to me being an old time openSUSE fan to see so many SUSE/openSUSE members blaming Richard Stallman, founder of Free “as in speech” Software, and so few SUSE/openSUSE members actually supporting him.
This is what I’m talking about — a request to remove Stallman from all leadership positions: https://rms-open-letter.github.io/ which was signed by almost the whole SUSE management and many openSUSE developers/maintainers:
Alexander Herzig (Release Manager SUSE Linux Enterprise)
Attila Pinter (aka adathor, openSUSE docs, support, OpenStorage.io CTO)
Callum Farmer (openSUSE member & maintainer)
Chase Crum (Sr. Architect and WIT ADVOCATE @SUSE)
Christoph Wickert (openSUSE contributor, former Fedora Council and Advisory Board member)
Claudia Hogan (SUSE, Chief of Staff)
Imobach González Sosa (software developer at SUSE; openSUSE contributor)
Janet Blackquill (jan Jan) (KDE, Fedora, openSUSE)
Jiri Srain (Release Manager SUSE Linux Enterprise)
Kukuh Syafaat (GNOME, openSUSE)
Lana Brindley (Loquacity, SUSE)
Lars Marowsky-Brée (Distinguished Engineer, SUSE; Ceph Foundation board member)
Marcel Kuehlhorn (openSUSE contributor)
Marina “deneb_alpha” Latini (former The Document Foundation chairperson, former openSUSE board member, LibreOffice and openSUSE contributor)
Matthew Mattox (mattmattox, Principal Support Engineer at SUSE/Rancher Labs)
Melissa Di Donato (CEO, SUSE)
Neal Gompa (Fedora Project contributor, Mageia Project Council Member, Mageia.Org Board Member, openSUSE Project Board Member, OpenMandriva contributor)
Nick Gerace (Software Engineer at SUSE and Rancher Labs)
Richard Brown (Former openSUSE Chairman)
Rob Knight (CTO, Enterprise Cloud Products @ SUSE)
Sara Stephens (SUSE)
Sasi Olin (openSUSE Member, former openSUSE Board member)
Stefan Weiberg (Technical Projectmanager SUSE Linux Enterprise)
Stephan Barth (Technical Project Manager for Maintenance, SUSE)
Syds Bearda (openSUSE member + treasurer)
Thomas Di Giacomo (CTO, SUSE)
William Brown (389 Directory Server, SUSE Labs)
On the contrary, an open letter supporting Stallman was signed by much less [open]SUSE people: https://rms-support-letter.github.io/
b10n1k (SUSE)
Bryan Lunduke (Formerly: Deputy Editor of Linux Journal, Marketing at SUSE, Marketing Director at Purism, Tech Journalist at Network World)
Ivan Kapelyukhin (openSUSE member)
Is it some kind of corporate solidarity or a real opinion of so many people within SUSE?
As for me, although not being a SUSE employee or openSUSE developer, — I do believe that the accusations are based on misunderstanding, exaggeration and distortion. We all are imperfect, and RMS in fact did more good than said bad.
I will be very grateful if people from the list above would write their opinions here, on why they do support removing Stallman from the leadership positions.