So this last week I kept noticing that pepper flash remained in the “orphaned packages” and “unneeded packages” groups.
I didn’t think much of it as chromium is often a source of problems (chromium and chromium-ffmpeg are often out of sync so it requires ignoring dependency conflicts).
But remembering the long list of security problems that flash has, I eventually decided to remove it.
It’s only afterwards that you realise that HTML5 has not replaced flash everywhere (copy rights restrictions seem to keep flash alive).
But now I can’t reinstall it because it’s completely absent from the packman repository (the reason it was listed as orphaned).
there was probably an update at packman and the mirror you are using temporarily removed pepper-flash
packman still has pepper-flash foir 13.2
do you maybe have autorefresh off for packman?
post your repos
I changed it to yours, but I still don’t see pepper flash.
I checked a few other mirrors as well: same problem.
Even the one-click install from the page you mention, doesn’t work as the package is not available. So I’ve just downloaded the rpm itself for the moment.
yes unlike the pdf plugin which is open source pepper-flash is closed sourced and packman only repackaged it, google dropped 32bit chrome and chrome plugins so no more pepper-flash from google for 32bit browsers, the alternative is to use mozilla based browser with the ancient flash 11.2