Why did pepper flash disappear?

So this last week I kept noticing that pepper flash remained in the “orphaned packages” and “unneeded packages” groups.

I didn’t think much of it as chromium is often a source of problems (chromium and chromium-ffmpeg are often out of sync so it requires ignoring dependency conflicts).

But remembering the long list of security problems that flash has, I eventually decided to remove it.

It’s only afterwards that you realise that HTML5 has not replaced flash everywhere (copy rights restrictions seem to keep flash alive).

But now I can’t reinstall it because it’s completely absent from the packman repository (the reason it was listed as orphaned).

So what’s going on?

I am still seeing it in packman (both 13.2 and 42.1).

On the 13.2 system that I checked, I have packman configured to use

there was probably an update at packman and the mirror you are using temporarily removed pepper-flash
packman still has pepper-flash foir 13.2
do you maybe have autorefresh off for packman?
post your repos

zypper lr -d

I have Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_13.2/ (which is also the url listed on PackMan :: Mirrors )

I changed it to yours, but I still don’t see pepper flash.

I checked a few other mirrors as well: same problem.

Even the one-click install from the page you mention, doesn’t work as the package is not available. So I’ve just downloaded the rpm itself for the moment.

I always have autorefresh enabled.

I just checked using the repo that you said you had configured.

And there it was at


It’s probably the same repo as I am using, with symlinks providing an alternative path.

Interestingly, I changed to essentials instead of the whole packman and still couldn’t find it.

Then I noticed you had x86_64 in the url so I checked the site:

Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_13.2/Essentials/x86_64/ does have chromium-pepper-flash

Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_13.2/Essentials/i586/ does not have chromium-pepper-flash

I might as well

#  | Alias                                   | Name                                    | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                        | Service---+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+---------+-----------+---------+----------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------
 1 | Packman_Essentials                      | Packman Essentials                      | No      | ----      | Yes     |   85     | rpm-md | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_13.2/Essentials/   |        
 2 | Science_Repo                            | Science Repo                            | No      | ----      | Yes     |   90     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/science/openSUSE_13.2/           |        
 3 | Updated_KDE_Applications_only           | Updated KDE Applications only           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   90     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Applications/openSUSE_13.2/ |        
 4 | Updated_KDE_Applications_only_---_EXTRA | Updated KDE Applications only --- EXTRA | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   90     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Extra/openSUSE_13.2/        |        
 5 | download.opensuse.org-13.2-non-oss      | Update Repository (Non-Oss)             | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   95     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/update/13.2-non-oss/                          |        
 6 | download.opensuse.org-non-oss           | Main Repository (NON-OSS)               | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | yast2  | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/13.2/repo/non-oss/               |        
 7 | download.opensuse.org-oss               | Main Repository (OSS)                   | Yes     | ( p) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | yast2  | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/13.2/repo/oss/                   |        
 8 | download.opensuse.org-update            | Main Update Repository                  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   95     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/update/13.2/                                  |        
 9 | ftp.gwdg.de-suse                        | Packman Repository                      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   85     | rpm-md | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_13.2/              |        
10 | opensuse-guide.org-repo                 | libdvdcss repository                    | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   90     | rpm-md | http://opensuse-guide.org/repo/13.2/                                       |        

Fair enough.

I think pepper-flash comes from google (for Chrome). Maybe google has stopped providing it for 32-bit systems.

yes unlike the pdf plugin which is open source pepper-flash is closed sourced and packman only repackaged it, google dropped 32bit chrome and chrome plugins so no more pepper-flash from google for 32bit browsers, the alternative is to use mozilla based browser with the ancient flash 11.2