Who supports the OIDC integration for Wiki/Forums/etc, and how do I trigger an email address update?

I was an employee of SUSE until “a former CEO with a perpetual fake smile” decided that it would make Q1 numbers look better if she quietly fired the US CaaS developers on October 31 instead of having us work on Rancher. :sweat_smile: My mild irritation at that whole situation aside, one unfortunate side effect is that I’ve never been able to update my email address in the forums, wiki, etc. I’ve gone to the IDP page (Password Settings) and updated my email address there literally years ago, but the change doesn’t seem to propagate despite the IDP showing the correct address. Does someone have to poke something to make that resync happen? Does my former employee status affect something, or is this long-term email address caching something which affects other people?

Note - I don’t get notified of replies, because I don’t have access to dsauer@suse.com any longer. :smiley: So I’'ll check back occasionally, I guess?

@dannysauer very likely, you need to send an email to admin{at}opensuse{dot}org to see if they can change in IDP, but may not be able to since it’s the suse{dot}com domain(?)